“The reality is that the vast majority of minimum social welfare recipients want to find a job”

LThe bill for full employment is currently being examined by the National Assembly. Some try to summarize the intention as the simple transformation of Pôle emploi into France travail, and the strengthening of the coordination of local employment actors, for the purposes of efficiency of our public integration service and the ‘job.

But, by establishing a new sanction known as “suspension-remobilization” and a conditionality of fifteen hours“weekly activity”the government is once again distilling the hackneyed little tune according to which RSA beneficiaries are not sufficiently encouraged to resume an activity in return for the allowance paid.

But what is really the effectiveness of a stick policy in terms of returning to work? Let’s leave the commercial café and rely on empirical data and feedback from other countries: nothing proves that sanctions have a positive effect on the integration of people, on the contrary.

Constraints remain counterproductive

The United Kingdom, which had strengthened its sanctions during the Universal Credit Act, recorded no improvement in employment. Worse, this policy has had perverse effects by leading to a proliferation of inappropriate applications. In Finland, an experiment demonstrated that an unconditional income led to the same level of integration as a conditional income, but while avoiding public expenditure linked to the deterioration of the physical and mental health of recipients.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers RSA reform: socialist elected officials accuse the government of “legislating blindly”

Finally, let’s take the example of Germany: the Hartz IV laws, which tightened control over job seekers and liberalized the labor market, led to an explosion of poverty in Germany, caused by the proliferation of ” mini-jobs”, these precarious jobs paid at a slingshot.

The work of Esther Duflo, Nobel Prize winner in economics, provides a scientific explanation for these failures. They demonstrate the ineffectiveness and even the counterproductive aspect of control and sanctions, because they in no way remove the obstacles to returning to employment and, worse, aggravate them, by increasing poverty situations.

Social integration as a corollary to professional integration

The reality is that the vast majority of welfare recipients want to find a job, because work provides a feeling of usefulness, dignity, and belonging to society. But this desire often comes up against precarious family balances, with people lacking childcare solutions for their child, others who take full-time care of a loved one in a dependent situation or who are experiencing problems themselves. heavy and disabling health problems.

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