The reception in honor of French esport divides

On the occasion of the imminent kick-off of ZeratoR’s Trackmania Cup, a reception in honor of French esports was organized at the Élysée with a 5-star casing.

On Friday June 3, the day before the Trackmania Cup, the small dishes were put on a big scale at the Élysée to receive the actors of French esports and show them a certain recognition.

“If you are here, it is because we wanted to have this gesture of recognition and to say to ourselves: in our country where we receive Olympic and Paralympic medalists, after the Games, where we receive great athletes here after competitions, on the occasion of the return, as you very well said, of major events and major gatherings, to be able to celebrate international French esports here, but your disciplines and our champions are also a way to recognize yourself fully”said Emmanuel Macron.

An interview full of promise, a “new stage”

During the reception, Emmanuel Macron returned to the various tracks mentioned when he had undertaken to promote esports if he were re-elected. He returned to hosting major sports competitions before the end of his term, such as a Major CS, the League of Legends worlds and The International on Dota 2.

“Then I made some commitments, so we’re going to apply and try to get some big world esports events. A major Counter Strike, a new international League of Legends competition. If I understood correctly, despite everything, we have already had quite a few, so it will be a little harder. But there is The International of Dota 2 where there, we still have a lot of chances if we know how to position ourselves and fight. And so that, we will try to get it”did he declare.

He also discussed his desire to structure French esports.

“Third subject, this is what Vitality does and what many others do, is to gradually structure, and therefore help the associative fabric to structure itself, support young people, support the youngest too so that they there is a discipline, to succeed in making this sport a sport where there is more prevention, where we prepare just like Olympic and Paralympic athletes for the best. Where we accompany sport studies where we build our future over time and where at the same time, then, we build real careers, then retraining. And so that, that supposes, I think that there, you have a lot to contribute in terms of innovation and also a lot to learn from other sports federations and others and you have moreover started to do so. There is a lot of work to support the women and men who, in esports, want to continue doing. It is to be recognized. It’s being able to prepare for a career, be supported in your career and sometimes be supported in your retraining and then be able to come back as you did, or go and win major international competitions”declared the President of the Republic.

.. who sows discord on social networks

While certain moments, now considered cult, such as Laure Valée’s “sheesh” or ZeratoR’s coaching made people smile, the event as a whole received a mixed reception. For many, this interview marks a turning point for French esports, but many voices have been raised on social networks to point out that the organization of such an event a few days before the first round of the legislative elections had nothing out of the ordinary.

They also pointed out that this was far from the first time that Emmanuel Macron had tried to approach 18-24 year olds as well as 25-34 year olds, age groups known for their abstention in elections. In the past, the President of the Republic had congratulated the streamers and viewers of ZEvent 2021, the Karmine Corp for their title, not to mention his Minecraft server for the elections or his anecdote contest with McFly and Carlito.

It remains to be seen what Emmanuel Macron’s next initiatives will be, and how the public will react to them. In the meantime, many Internet users firmly believe that the President of the Republic will make an appearance at ZEvent 2022.

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