the release date is still the victim of a leak

On the podium of the RPGs most anticipated by everyone, we obviously find Dragon Age 4. Because even if the series has had its ups and downs, it nonetheless remains a cult saga.

We know that the emblematic fantasy RPG saga, Dragon Age, is preparing to welcome a new opus: Dragon Age 4 (Dreadwolf). With all the turmoil that took place at EA and the sad layoffs, we could have doubts about its future. But as explained yesterday, according to the latest news, the game was still on track. Today, we can learn a little more thanks to information from a well-known journalist.

Dragon Age 4 closer than expected?

Thus, according to Jeff Grubb, a well-known specialist and analyst in the video game sector, the game could see the light of day towards the end of 2024… In December 2023, the developers of Bioware officially announced that a complete presentation of the game would be scheduled for summer 2024, arousing the enthusiasm of players who can already add it to their wish list on PC, PlayStation and Xbox.

This announcement, combined with the latest information, seems to reinforce the release estimate put forward by Jeff Grubb. However, it is essential to point out that Bioware has not yet officially confirmed a date for Dragon Age 4: Dreadwolf. Finally, Bioware employees, according to Grubb, are confident about this launch period. Everything therefore seems to be converging in the right direction, to the delight of impatient players.

This Dragon Age 4 (if all goes well) should logically mark a return to basics and expectations are enormous. We imagine that the pressure on BioWare’s shoulders (especially given the studio’s liabilities in recent years) must also be very great…

Grubb’s podcast and his statements on Dragon Age.

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