The Rings of Power: Is Eärien Already on the Dark Side? These tips speak for themselves!


“The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power” splits many families in two. After her father Elendil’s decisions, Eärien slowly drifts away from hers as well. Does that mean she’s siding with evil?

The Lord of the Rings - The Rings of Power: Ema Horvath as Eärien.

The Lord of the Rings – The Rings of Power: Ema Horvath as Eärien. (Source: Amazon Prime Video / Screenshot: Netzwelt)

  • The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power introduces Isildur’s sister, Eärien.
  • While not Tolkien’s invention, there are clues in his works as to her true nature in the series.
  • Is Eärien going to be a villain? We’ll explain the theory to you.

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In “The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power” many theories circulate about what really lies behind well-known characters. Who is good, who is evil?

There are a few theories circulating about the “Rings of Power” original character Eärien. Will she play a crucial role in the series? Will Elendil’s daughter stand behind her father, or will she rise up against him and bring about the downfall of Númenor?

Eärien – A mysterious character

Not much is known about Elendil’s daughter, Eärien, even after Episode 5 of The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power. We know that in the Elvish translation her name means “daughter of the sea” and she has a youthful but wise and kind character. She was also successfully accepted into the Númenor Builders Guild.

The fact that it doesn’t appear in Tolkien’s books makes it all the more exciting. What reason did Amazon have to expand Elendil’s family and instead of the younger son Anárion, show the fictional daughter Eärien in the first season? It certainly won’t be without a reason.

Because you see her in many scenes together with her brother Isildur, to whom she has a loving and trusting relationship. Will it be her influence that persuades Isildur to reconcile with his father and leave for Middle-earth? Or does she have completely different motives…?

A Fire Maia as namesake

A possible clue to Eärien’s future and role in The Rings of Power could be her name. Or rather, the relationship and resemblance to the name of a Maia. Arien was one of the highest among the Maiar spirits in Tolkien’s mythology. As the “Sun Maiden”, she was responsible for directing the sun in the sky.

Arien is also a fiery spirit that Morgoth tried to enslave and win over in the first age. In contrast to the Balrogs, however, Arien did not succeed. Which is why Morgoth hated and feared her forever. In an alternate version of the story, he was even in love with arias and desperately wanted to own them.

Arien also had a special relationship with the moon and its protector, Lenker Tilion. The Silver One, as the Maia Tilion was also called, as the helmsman of the island of the moon, paid little heed to the course of the sun and arias. It sometimes happened that the sun and moon were in the sky at the same time because Tilion did not move quickly in its orbit.

This was the origin of the solar and lunar eclipses. Tilion was also drawn to the light and fiery splendor of Arien. Whenever possible, he tried to get close to her, but this resulted in the flame of the sun (also called anar) searing him and darkening the moon island.

A self-destructive yet love-based relationship between the moon and the sun, between Arien and Tilion. Could one draw parallels to the relationship between Eärien and her brother Isildur?

Eärien’s dark future?

From this naming association we can speculate about Eärien’s future and her role in the series. Like Arien and Tilion, Eärien and Isildur share a very special bond of brotherly love. But their relationship takes a big hit in Episode 5 when Isildur sets out to travel to Middle-earth with his father.

Eärien is against this war and against risking the lives of numerous men and women of Númenor for a distant continent. Hurt by the betrayal of her father and brother, both of whom want to go into battle, she seeks support from others.

Kemen son of Pharazon helps Eärien try to stop this mission. A possible love affair between the two could draw her to the side of the royalists who despise the Valar and Elves.

There is also much fan speculation about Eärien’s possible role in the downfall of Númenor. The books mention a great temple in honor of Melkor on Armenelos, where human sacrifices are made. Since Eärien is interested in architecture and has not been on good terms with Galadriel, many believe that she will be involved in the construction of the temple that will finally turn the Valar against the human kingdom.

The number 5 also played an important role in the construction of the temple. Thus Melkor’s temple was 500 feet in diameter and the walls were also 500 feet high. At the base the walls were 50 feet thick. If Eärien can be clearly linked to this number at some point, it would be a great clue to her later fate.

The Lord of the Rings: Evaluating the Rings of Power
genreDrama, Action & Adventure, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
first airing


First broadcast in Germany


More sources


Amazon Studios, New Line Cinema, HarperCollins Publishers, Tolkien Enterprises


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