The Rings of Power on Prime Video: the recap of the episode where everything goes down the drain

Let’s go for Episode 6 of The Rings of Power as Galadriel sets off for Middle-earth with an army from Númenor. Will we finally see Sauron? Discover the identity of Adar? Answer in this not very serious recap! (or not)

Little hypnosis session with the credits to get into the mood and we dive again into the world of the Rings of Power with episode 6 directed by the Franco-Swedish Charlotte Brändström (cocorico!)

Adar and his Orcs prepare to storm the watchtower. He gives them a little galvanizing speech, but we don’t really get the chills how in front of Mel Gibson in Braveheart. When they enter, the places are deserted. Only Arondir is present and he triggers the trap he has prepared for them. The tower collapses on the villainous creatures, including Adar. (Compassion for Orcs: 0)

On the open sea, on the three ships that sailed from Númenor, Isildur does not sleep. He goes to the stables – where he is assigned – to share an apple with his horse Berek. Then on the bridge, he finally meets Galadriel who is imposing in her shiny armor. The boy is intimidated and fascinated at the same time. Galadriel recognizes in his gaze that of Elendil her father. It just happens. They exchange a few words. Elendil answers Galadriel’s indiscreet question about his wife and tells her that she died of drowning.

Back in Tirharad, the villagers prepare for a night of confrontation with the Orcs who have survived the watchtower’s trap. Arondir galvanizes his troops, better than Adar. And Bronwyn does the same with Theo by speaking the words she used to say to him when he was a kid and he was scared. All with violins behind to give us goosebumps.

Before the battle, Arondir and Bronwyn share a moment together. More specifically, Arondir is flirting with him. And it works ! Finally, they share their first kiss.

Amazon Studios

“What do I do with this now?” asks Rounding off

In war as in war

At nightfall, the Orcs advance towards Tirharad and they are devilishly numerous. The new trap is in place. You have to encircle them with fire and light them one by one with arrows. (Maybe a little light?) Clearly. Hand-to-hand combat begins, to the great disadvantage of the villagers who have nothing to do with seasoned soldiers.

Arondir finds himself face to face with a giant Orc who almost knocks him out in two rounds. On the verge of death, he is saved in extremis by Bronwyn who impales the Orc. And finally… the battle is won! The villagers claim their victory. But the joy is short-lived. Arondir realizes that their assailants were not the Orcs, but the villagers of Tirharad who had surrendered to Adar.

Another battle resumes. Arrows fly in the middle of the night. Bronwyn gets stabbed by two of them. They retreat to the tavern. Theo is in charge of stopping his mother’s bleeding. Bronwyn bleeds out after Roundir pulls the arrow out. They cauterize her alive and she passes out from the pain.

She quickly regains consciousness but for those few moments, the Orcs have surrounded the tavern, with Adar among them, and are storming. In parallel, we see Galadriel and her Númenorean army rushing on horseback towards a place that we do not yet see. The Orcs enter the tavern, warning of carnage. Adar comes in, still looking like he’s about to sneeze.

Galadriel drives the Orcs out of Middle-earth

He wants the evil sword. Rounding up refuses. In return, Adar starts impaling poor villagers one by one. When he is about to sacrifice Bronwyn, it is Theo who gives in. He gives the sword to Adar. At this precise moment, we hear the gallop of the horses growling and approaching. It’s Galadriel’s army heading straight for the Orcs. It’s daybreak, men finally have the advantage. Well, almost because the sun’s rays have not yet burned the Orcs’ skin.

On one flank, another squadron with Isildur and Queen Míriel. She lets the young man join the fight while his father Elendil finds himself in trouble. But it’s Halbrand who saves him with a nice javelin throw.

Faced with the rout of his Orcs, Adar flees with the sword. And Galadriel sets off after him – looking really not happy – on the designation of Roundir. Halbrand joins her. He manages to cross paths with Adar and knock him off his horse. He is about to finish him off with a spear in the throat. Obviously they have a history together, although Adar doesn’t seem to remember it. But Galadriel stops him and tries to reason with him.

Back in the village, the battle is definitely over. Galadriel holds Adar prisoner in a barn. It is indeed an Elf. He was tortured by Morgoth, transformed to become one of his henchmen. As Galadriel heard in legends. These Elves are the Moriondor, the Sons of Darkness, and are actually the first Orcs!

Adar claims to have killed Sauron. Allegation that Galadriel does not believe. She goes into Jack Bauer mode and swears to eradicate her entire species. She nearly slits his throat, but this time it’s Halbrand who stops her. They chat together, sitting in the forest and find a connection after this battle fought together.

And here is the drama…

Back to life, back to the festivities. Bronwyn meets Queen Míriel who congratulates her on her courage and leadership. She then introduces him to Lord Halbrand. Bronwyn recognizes in him the King who was promised to his people. Halbrand nods. And everyone toasts to the health of the true King of the Southern Lands.

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Míriel, Queen of Númenor and Fashion Week!

Galadriel hands Arondir the evil sword. And the latter notices Theo, in his corner. The boy doesn’t blame himself so much for giving in to Adar as for losing the sword and the feeling of power it gave him. Arondir then entrusts him with the sword to deliver to Númenor. It is then up to them to throw it into the seabed. But while undoing the package, Theo realizes that it is a simple hatchet.

It is Waldreg who is in possession of the sword. He forged it with his blood and planted it in the rock under the sculpture that represents it. Its action causes the rupture of a dam and thousands of liters of water engulf the valley.

Berek is agitated and Isildur fails to calm him down. Elendil then explains to him that the horse is expressing the pain Isildur is feeling. With these few words exchanged, father and son finally meet. But the calm is short-lived. Water rises from the ground like geysers. She rushes into the tunnels dug by the Orcs until she reaches the bowels of the Earth where the lava burns. This causes a monstrous volcanic eruption. Looks like Pompeii.

Lava bombs rain down on people who get pulverized by the impact. It is general panic. Galadriel remains dazed by the cataclysm that is advancing straight on her. A night of black smoke descends on Tirharad and swallows Galadriel.


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