the RN confirms confirms his refusal to participate

After the LR parliamentarians, it is the turn of the National Rally, through the voice of its spokesperson Laure Lavalette, to confirm its refusal to participate in the National Council for Refoundation which will be installed in September.

We will not participate, it’s a scam, it’s still one more thing, one more contraption in France, assured Friday on Franceinfo the deputy of the Var, who was questioned on the will of the RN to be constructive on this plan too, after his vote in favor of the bill on purchasing power.

What is this Emmanuel Macron com element? It’s quite his image, it looks a bit like the big debate when he did his Tour de France, here’s one more thing, we will surely have a little Netflix style teaser to bring us to this CNR, she mocked.

There are institutions, we have just been elected, there are 577 deputies who are there to do their job, she added.

Marine Le Pen had already indicated in June Agde (Hrault), that she did not intend to participate in the CNR.

I will not participate in any structure whatsoever which aims to remove power from the National Assembly, which is the representation of the French people, had declared the finalist of the presidential election.

Government spokesman and Deputy Minister for Democratic Renewal, Olivier Vran, announced on Thursday that the CNR would be set up during the second week of September, in several meetings.

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This new structure should make it possible to share diagnoses nationwide on major issues, in particular the priority issues for the President of the Republic and for Lisabeth Borne, the Prime Minister, the health project, the education project , the site of the loss of autonomy, said the minister.

Regarding its composition, the CNR will bring together the leaders of the political parties, the leaders of the parliamentary groups, representatives of associations of elected representatives of the territories, representatives of the intermediary bodies, the unions in partnership with the Economic, Social and Environmental Council.

I do not understand the policy of the empty chair in the matter and I am sure that it is something which can be corrected, replied Mr. Vran about the announced refusal of the LR groups in the Senate and the National Assembly to participate in the CNR.

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