The Rorschach test and its inventor psychiatrist Hermann Rorschach

“NZZ Format” tells the story of the Swiss psychiatrist Hermann Rorschach, who developed a perception experiment at the beginning of the 20th century that shaped psychiatry worldwide after his death.

With great attention to detail, the young psychiatrist succeeded in designing ten iconic inkblots, which are still used today in the same form in the test procedure. The complex evaluation that he developed was intended to provide information about the personality of the patient. The Rorschach test is a result of its time, including influences from the psychology of the time. Over the years, the test has become pop culture, and it’s been trivialized to some extent.

In meetings with Rorschach experts, “NZZ Format” takes a close look at the design aspects of the boards. We also learn more about the artistic talents of the young and promising doctor whose death will be on April 2nd, 2022 for the centenary.

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