the rules to follow for the start of the school year


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Despite a “normal” return to school, the Covid-19 epidemic is still present and many schools are impacted in France. But what are the rules to follow since the start of the school year?

He was forgotten during the summer holidays and yet he is there. With an incidence rate close to 300 per 100,000 inhabitants Translating well the epidemic resumption, the specialists expect a peak of new cases of Covid during the autumn and an 8th wave of contaminations.

Among these many cases, children are not spared. The Ministry of Education drafted a 4-level protocol this fall depending on the circulation of the virus. But then what if your child falls ill or if he is in contact with an infected person? We tell you everything for the start of the school year.

Schools: the protocol to follow to fight against the Covid

For the 2022-2023 school year, the Ministry of National Education and Youth maintains a strategy based on face-to-face teaching, for the success and well-being of students, while limiting the circulation of the virus within schools and educational establishments. Since September 1, the lowest level has been retained: “the base level”. All courses take place face-to-face and establishments must respect the recommendations of use of the High Authority for Health, namely frequent hand washing and ventilation of the premises.

However, the health protocol linked to a qualitative (nature and characteristics of the variants) and quantitative (hospital situation in particular) analysis can be adjusted during the year depending on the health context. It includes a scale with a measurement base and three protocol levels:

  • measurement base;
  • level 1 / green level;
  • level 2 / orange level;
  • level 3 / red level.

Thus, wearing a mask would be reintroduced from level 1 and mixing between children of different classes and physical activity would be limited in the case of level 2 and 3.

What to do if your child is positive for Covid-19?

First, do not send your child to school if you begin to detect symptoms. In case of positivity, an isolation measure must be taken:

  • 7 days for children under 12 and for children over 12 with a complete vaccination schedule. It can always be reduced to 5 days if there are no more symptoms for 48 hours and a new test, PCR or antigen, is negative
  • 10 days for children over 12 who do not have a complete vaccination schedule.

To calculate the isolation period, take as a starting point the day the first symptoms appear or the day of the positive test if your child is not symptomatic.

What to do if your child has a contact case?

If your child is in contact, he can go to school but you are invited to take a test two days after hearing the news. It is therefore also necessary to remember to find the self-test box. Knowing that the school must always provide parents of “contact case” children with a certificate giving the right to a free self-test in pharmacies.

Parenting writer

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