the salary of the candidates revealed


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How much do Dance with the Stars contestants earn? Their salary was disclosed. It is Jean-Paul Gaultier who has the palm of the highest cachet, followed closely by another international star. Amounts that make you want to dance!

Only a week to wait: Dance with the Stars returns to TF1 on Friday September 17th! After two years of absence, the show is full of freshness: new rules, a redesigned jury, enriched by the presence of Denitsa Ikonomova. The late Patrick Dupond leaves an empty place, which is occupied by the principal dancer François Alu. We also discover a star who represents France all over the world: the brilliant couturier Jean-Paul Gaultier.

The cast of candidates is eclectic, and the show has never lived up to its name. From the star of Clem Lucie Lucas to the American queen of burlesque Dita Von Teese through the actor Jean-Baptiste Maunier (whose wife does not laugh with his participation) or Bilal Hassani, the profiles are prestigious and varied. To accommodate these huge stars, how much did the production of the show have to pay?

Read also : Jean-Paul Gaultier, illegitimate juror for “Dance with the stars”? “I’m going to let my emotions speak”


What salary for DALS candidates? Jean-Paul Gaultier and Dita Von Teese well paid

Unveiled in Touche Pas à Mon Poste, candidates’ salaries line up a few zeros. The creator Jean-Paul Gaultier is at the top of this ranking: he is paid 400,000 euros for his participation in the show. Nothing is too good to welcome this rebel, the embodiment of fanciful French chic. Next comes Dita Von Teese, who received 120,000 euros to illuminate Dance with the Stars with her elegant and delicate presence. It is then the young star of RnB Wejdene who arrives in third place with a salary which is between 60,000 and 80,000 euros, the production having applied price brackets. Then come Michou and Bilal Hassani, around 60,000 euros. We note with joy that for once, the women are rather at the top of the ranking. In any case, these salaries make you want to get into chacha!

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