the shocking remarks of Claire Chazal on his behavior


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During an interview with “Paris Match”, Claire Chazal spoke about the Patrick Poivre d’Arvor affair, accused of rape and sexual assault. And the words of the journalist do not pass.

Since the PPDA case broke in early 2021, the ex-companion of journalist Claire Chazal had remained rather discreet on the accusations of rape and sexual assault against him. But in an interview with Paris Match, the presenter spoke on the subject, describing Patrick Poivre d’Arvor as “a seducer who likes to conquer and, let us say it, to multiply the conquests. He is in no way in violence or in force. What he likes above all is to seduce, to convince. He has the ‘pride which makes that being loved is what he wants above all “, she continues.

She took advantage of this interview to recall that she had already expressed herself on the case. In fact, in September 2021, she declared to the Sunday newspaper : “I don’t like accusations without proof or legal basis. I hate names thrown into the pasture, to popular vindictiveness and the judgment of public opinion “, she explained at the time. “The point is, this case has been closed, the magistrates have not even been seized. I fully understand that there are issues of male domination and that women feel it. I have said it and will say it again: I cannot believe that this man whom I know well, professionally and personally, who certainly likes to seduce and convince has any violence in him. “

Read also : Patrick Poivre d’Arvor accused of rape: 8 women testify against the journalist

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Claire Chazal defends Patrick Poivre D’Arvor

If Claire Chazal’s words pose a problem, it is because they minimize the words of the complainants. Talk about “to seduce and convince” to evoke alleged rapes or even “popular retribution” to define the denunciations that have been made public contributes, once again, to the culture of rape.

At the beginning of November 2021, eight women testified, with their faces uncovered, to Liberation. This initiative followed the words of Patrick Poivre d’Arvor in the Quotidien program, on TMC, where the former presenter of the JT deplored the anonymity of the complainants. If the case was closed without further action by justice, Florence Porcel filed a new rape complaint with a civil party at the end of November 2021 and other victims have revealed their identity, eight of them launching the #MeTooMedia association in mid-November 2021.

Moreover, in a column published on December 8, 2021, women accusing PPDA and host Nicolas Hulot published a column in response to Emmanuel Macron, who used the term“‘inquisition” to designate the movement denouncing male sexual violence. A strong text, but which Claire Chazal does not seem to have read.

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