The simple tip to help Baby sleep better in the first months… bye bye Moro’s reflexes!

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Sleep can be a nightmare for many parents, especially in the child’s first months. Here’s an easy tip to get your baby to sleep if you’re having difficulty!

In the first months, babies generally sleep very lightly. They sleep very little and often wake up at night. Parents are often very tired and have great difficulty recovering. To relieve parents and allow baby to rest well, there is a very simple technique. Many mothers have a breastfeeding cushion so that they can breastfeed their baby comfortably. But few of them know the trick of using this cousin to make your child sleep better. “When baby is born, he still needs to feel nestled like in his mother’s womb”explains Anne, doula and parenting coach.

Thanks to this technique, the infant regains the sensations of his mother’s womb: “This tip will allow baby to feel in his intrauterine world”, she declares. And to continue: “The warm and soft blanket will provide a source of heat and the flexibility of the breastfeeding cousin to adapt to the baby’s physiology. Thus, Moro’s reflexes which last around three months will be contained and will allow baby to better sequence his sleep cycles.

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Monitor your baby while he sleeps

However, you should know that the nursing pillow is not a substitute bed for the baby. Also make sure that your baby is still awake when you place him on the cushion. Indeed, a risk of suffocation could occur if he finds himself with his nose against the cushion while sleeping. It is therefore appropriate to keep continuous monitoring, especially during the child’s first months. Indeed, an accident quickly happened!

A journalist for several years, Léa specializes in the web. Versatile, she likes to decipher daily news. His favorite subjects are: health, well-being, lifestyle and…

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