the singer comes out of the silence and gives her news


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After several days spent in the hospital, the singer Hoshi, now under treatment, gives her news to her fans.

After his concert on the occasion of the Fête de la Musique, Hoshi was to continue his tour with a new show given in Chambéry. On June 24, the young singer was forced to cancel the Estivales show in Knowing due to health concerns. “I am very ill (fever, very very sore throat etc.). Honestly, I have rarely had so much pain and I can barely stand.” wrote the young woman on her Instagram account. “I went to the hospital as soon as we arrived on the tour bus. I am therefore sincerely sorry but we will not be able to play Chambéry tonight” she continued, heartbroken at not being able to meet her audience. Since then, the young artist had not given any news.

Until this Sunday, June 25, where she spoke in Story to take stock of her state of health. “Hello, I had two complicated days. Coming back from Chambéry hospital, I was still not better and I still had a fever etc.” explains Hoshi. The 25-year-old then went to hospital in Paris for further tests. It was there that she finally got the verdict on what was causing her so much pain. “We discovered that I had finally caught a nasty bacterium probably via an air conditioning.” specifies the French artist who already suffers from an incurable disease.

Hoshi, back on stage soon?

The young singer is rather reassured not to have had the Covid or a more serious illness. “I have a treatment that will normally cure me quickly. I look forward to meeting you. Thanks for all your messages.” added Hoshi on his Instagram account. A little health glitch which therefore delays his concerts, but more fear than harm! The young woman is already expected at the Rhinoferock festival on July 9. On July 25, her Sétois audience will be able to find her on stage at the Théâtre de la Mer. Hoping that by then, Hoshi will be back on her feet! This hospitalization has also worried the fans of the young artist. And for good reason: this is not the first time that Hoshi faces health concerns. In 2021, she revealed that she was Meniere’s disease, a chronic disease of the organ of balance. The young woman had confided to suffer from many hearing problems, tinnitus or even loss of balance. “There is no treatment, no medicine is effective. Sometimes violent attacks of vertigo occur in the middle of the night. I then have to stop everything and lie down” explained Hoshi. The interpreter of Your sailor has struggling to live with this disease on a daily basis. “It’s like a child who is in pain and who can’t say because he can’t speak, well that’s a bit like that. I don’t feel a lot of times, what… There isn’t even a treatment that actually exists. There are things to mitigate, but there you go…” confided the artist in C à vous.

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