The smart contract protocol on the home stretch

After eight years of development, the time has come: Cardano is on the home stretch of its roadmap. Gradually, the network moves into the last phase, the so-called Voltaire era – Cardano’s last step before the network around the ADA token is decentralized and placed in the hands of the users. At the same time, the basho era will be completed, in which Cardano made some scaling leaps.

Cardano: Diligence is the key to success

Eight years may feel like an eternity in the fast-moving crypto space, but the relatively long development time plays a key role in the project’s success. Because Cardano maintains a sluggish but thorough work ethic, which should be reflected in long-term success. The network is increasingly turning out to be a real all-rounder. With a view to the upcoming developments that will revolutionize the blockchain, Cardano is about to jump.

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