The Snat adopts the bill on value sharing

After the deputies at the end of June, the senators largely adopted on Tuesday the government’s bill on “value sharing” within companies, a faithful transposition of an agreement between unions and employers.

Concluded in February, this national interprofessional agreement (ANI) aims tender devices such as interestparticipation or value sharing bonuses (PPV or Macron bonus) all companies with at least 11 employees.

The Senate, with a majority from the right and the center, adopted the text 244 votes against 18. A delegation of senators must now find a compromise with MPs during a joint joint commission (CMP) scheduled for October 30.

Devices that replace salary increases

The communist group voted against, regretting measures that replace salary increases. An argument also put forward by environmentalists and socialists, who abstained. The socialist group denounced a text that remained well below the expectations and needs of employees. The Minister of Labor, Olivier Dussopt, welcomed a successful exercise in social democracy, a guarantee of confidence in social dialogue.

The Senate nevertheless endeavored to purify the text by returning to several provisions adopted by the National Assembly. In particular, he postponed by one year, 2025, the date of the start of the experimentation of the interest or participation for companies with 11,49 employees. We limited ourselves to respecting the agreements because we wanted to respect social dialogue, justified the president of the Social Affairs Committee, Philippe Mouiller.

Participation is a profit redistribution mechanism, currently compulsory in companies with more than 50 employees, while profit-sharing is an optional bonus linked to results or non-financial performance. These schemes come with tax advantages. The bill also allows to award the value sharing bonus twice per calendar year instead of once. It also provides that in the event of an exceptional profit, companies with more than 50 employees negotiate the definition and sharing.

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