the Snat opposes the transfer of Agirc-Arrco contributions

The Senate, dominated by the right-wing opposition, opposed on the night of Monday to Tuesday the project to transfer the collection of contributions from the Agirc-Arrco supplementary pension plan to Urssaf, which provides cash for Social Security.

The reform, voted at the end of 2019, was to come into force at the beginning of 2023, despite the unanimous opposition of the social partners, from the CGT to the Medef. The government intended to postpone this chance for a year in favor of the draft budget of the Scu examined since Monday in first reading by the senators.

The Senate canceled the transfer by adopting by 302 votes against 28 (including the majority Renaissance RDPI) a series of amendments from both the right and the left of the Chamber.

Alain Milon (LR) and Olivier Henno (centrist) notably considered that if this reform could be justified within the framework of a reform of point pensions, it was no longer justified since this reform was no longer topical.

The collection is already well done by Agirc-Arrco, argued Ren-Paul Savary (LR), rapporteur for the old age branch, asking the government how it had managed in such a short time (to) put back so many people .

When you want to reform pensions (…), you may have to give a pledge of confidence to the social partners, he added.

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Minister Roland Lescure assured that it was in no way a question of converging the plans in any way, but of transferring the collection to the Urssaf.

It’s a question of collection efficiency, he stressed.

The leaders of the supplementary pension plan for executives and employees of the private Agirc-Arrco had denounced in early October a risk of capturing their revenue (more than 87 billion this year) by the Scu.

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