the social conflict is bogged down at Dassault

“We will not give up! » After eleven months of creeping social conflict, the “companions” of the Dassault factories, as the aircraft manufacturer likes to baptize its workers, have no intention of putting an end to their movement. A first meeting between the general management of the group and the inter-union, CGT, CFDT, FO, at the end of January, did not make it possible to find common ground. The proposals of the general management are still, according to the inter-union, too far removed from the demands of the companions.

When they claim “200 euros general increase for all”specifies Xabi Urutia, elected CGT to the social and economic committee (CSE) of Dassault, the direction does not want to go beyond 75 euros of ” heel “. That is to say for the lowest wages, he comments. However, indicates Mr. Urutia, at the end of the first round of negotiations, the management had wanted the inter-union to do “a counter-proposal”. She had decided to “make a move for negotiation” and had lowered its claim to “200 euros net for all, at 200 euros gross”. No result. This claim echoes the lean years during the Covid-19 pandemic. “In 2020, we had no increase and only 0.5% in 2021”, recalls the elected CGT. For its part, the management points out the various bonuses and participation (three months’ salary on average) paid to employees. “Bonus are not salary”replies the CGT.

Read also Article reserved for our subscribers Wages: increases below expected levels

For now, “No new meeting with the general management has been set. » According to the CGT, “production is slow” in all the factories of the group. According to the union, “the movement does not weaken”. On the contrary, he adds, “new faces have arrived”, new companions would have come to swell the ranks of the strikers. On the various Rafale or Falcon production sites, such as in Anglet (Pyrénées-Atlantiques), “the conflict is diversifying every day” face “to threats and repression from local management”.

In practice, since March 2021, workers have stopped working “ten minutes or a quarter of an hour every hour per sector”. They also organize speeches or filter barriers in front of the factory to prevent the delivery of materials. Actions that all have the same purpose: “Delay production. »

Read also At Dassault Aviation, the “order book is full” and the workers on strike to demand a salary to match

“Dassault’s order book is filling up”

A brake stroke that falls badly at the very moment when “Dassault’s order book is filling up”, notes the CGT. Since December 2021, in just over two months, the aircraft manufacturer, which employs some 8,500 people in France, has received 142 Rafale orders. Eighty for the United Arab Emirates, then another forty-two additional copies, Thursday, February 11, for Indonesia.

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