The Stadia controller can finally be used wirelessly thanks to a software with rather tedious manipulations

Stadia will rest in peace without being greatly missed, but the service of cloud gaming will certainly leave its mark, especially with players. If the latter will be reimbursed for their investments by Google some time after the closure of the service, they nevertheless find themselves with a Stadia controller that is difficult to use on their arms. Costing 69 € new, these controllers will be difficult to resell second-hand and are not likely to interest many people. They are certainly usable with a cable, but it is frustrating not to be able to use the wireless function which will become obsolete when the servers are closed. Internet users have beaten Google to find a solution.

A man named Parth Shah managed to circumvent the problem of connecting to the computer. By developing StadiaWireless, it allows everyone to use their Stadia controller on their computer like any other controller. However, his solution does not allow you to completely get rid of the connection since you will have to connect your controller to your smartphone. Brace yourself, there are some pretty tedious steps.

You must first install the Python3 language on your computer, then download the software and unzip the file. After you run the server.exe file, a small icon appears on your taskbar or desktop. By clicking on it, it opens a server allowing you to bridge between your computer and your smartphone via wifi. Enter the URL in a tab of your smartphone browser and connect your controller to it. If all goes well, your smartphone and your computer will be synchronized and you will be able to use your controller. StadiaWireless will then allow players to wait until Google accepts their request to make the controller Bluetooth compatible.

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