the State increases its support for private security by “around ten million euros” to help it recruit

The State has increased its “boost” to the private security sector so that it will be able to provide 17,000 agents on a daily average – 22,000 at peak – during the Olympic and Paralympic Games this summer. First of all, it is the sums committed for training in security professions, in particular for job seekers, in order to have them hired by companies in the sector for the Games, which have been increased.

“The State, under the authority of the Minister of Labor, has just handed over around ten million euros”declared the prefect of the Ile-de-France region, Marc Guillaume, May 24 on the Figaro TV set. State support now amounts to “more than fifty million” euros.

Initially, 46 million euros were released (including 31 million in 2023 alone) to purchase 20,000 training courses relating to security professions. Anxious to anticipate possibilities no show, that is to say the failure to present security agents at their workplace, the government revised upwards, in April, the training and recruitment objectives. This is what led to increased funding.

For the Ile-de-France region alone, where the Olympic and Paralympic sites are concentrated, and therefore the security needs, “we had to do 20,000 training courses. We are at 23,000 completed, for [un objectif de] 25,000 at the end of June », according to the regional prefect. Nationally, 28,000 training entries and 20,000 recruitments are planned.

“Exceptional help” to attract candidates

Public support for the private security sector is not limited to offering “free” training. To attract candidates to these professions, where the working conditions and remuneration are not the most attractive, a “exceptional help” was established to encourage recruitment.

This is a bonus of 600 euros, offered since the beginning of April by the State. Acted on March 29 by the board of directors of France Travailthis financial support targets both job seekers and volunteer students, provided that they do not reside in Ile-de-France.

The Ile-de-France regional council has, in fact, itself set up a bonus of 600 euros for those who undertake training – with the possibility of a payment of an additional 1,400 euros in case of employment contract (without duration conditions) concluded before September 30.

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