the strategy game for all crypto fans

Crypto, Bitcoin, Blockchain and Co. can quickly seem confusing to newcomers. In times when the crypto market is experiencing a long-term bullish trend, there may still be one or two people who want to understand the space better. Now you could pour over hundreds of pages of white papers or blog posts, or simply learn the whole topic in a playful way. This is exactly where Cryptoly comes into play.

At the last game evening the time had finally come. After playing two rounds of Risk, it was time for the new game. At our last gaming meeting we chose Cryptoly. So I bought it and read the rules in advance. Even though I had nothing to do with crypto, I still wanted to be the first to check it out and read up on the rules. Our group loves strategy games. And when I read the rules, I quickly realized: Cryptoly might be something for us.

When I unpacked it, Cryptoly impressed me with its very good quality. The individual components are manufactured to a high quality. And there is almost no plastic. The game pieces and the orange cube are made of wood. The various coins and cards are beautiful, firm and easy to grip. The quality is very high and will survive many rounds of play without any damage.

I had a real WOW moment when I opened the game board for the first time. The metallic gold Bitcoin symbol in the middle looks even more spectacular than was previously seen in the videos and pictures.

CRYPTOLY is a game for anyone who likes strategy games

So we started in Cryptoly Round 1. The first round was a bit bumpy at the beginning because I had to briefly explain to my friends what was happening on each field. But after everyone had had their turn 4-5 times, there were hardly any questions left. Everyone tried out different ways to get more Bitcoin: actively trading the exchange rates, investing in various ICOs and NFTS, setting up mining and staking farms or simply pure risk-taking gaming. All possibilities are offered to you.

An enthusiastic customer told us that he played CRYPTOLY with his two children, aged nine and eleven, on Saturday evenings. When he came into the living room on Sunday morning, the kids were already sitting at the table – and had everything prepared for the next round. Such feedback is of course great to hear and fills us with pride.


We played several rounds in a row. Things were often heated – and the result was often close in the end. It’s annoying when you only come second because you just can’t remember the right code to open your cold wallet…argh! Cryptoly surprised us all very positively that evening. Except for one of us, no one at the table had any experience with Bitcoin or crypto – but we all had a blast! And we were also able to learn a lot about blockchain, Bitcoin and the like.

CRYPTOLY impresses with its quality and variety

What particularly impressed us all was the strategic aspect of Cryptoly. A highlight is definitely the information on the numerous action cards. Below the action to be carried out, there is always a fact, an anecdote or an explanation from the real crypto world that matches the action in italics. These are definitely cool Easter eggs for crypto fans. And for crypto newbies, a good way to understand why something is the way it is or why it works that way. The rules and the game are in English, but that wasn’t a problem for us. Using the web app from the manufacturer (QR code is conveniently on the instructions; no download necessary; free of charge) you can also translate all the cards and the rules into German and many other languages ​​in a matter of seconds. Easy.

Our conclusion was: Cryptoly is a great strategy game that we have a lot of fun with. You don’t have to be a Bitcoin fan to have fun with it. We can only agree with the reviews online. It definitely enriched our gaming session!

Use a voucher code: With the code “COIN” you get 3 free coin sheets. Or use the code “Nimm2” to save 20 percent on the total price when purchasing two or more games.

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