the subtleties to take advantage of this new best boost rate over 12 months

Hello bank is boosting its Hello + savings account even further with a rate that increases to 3.5% gross annually. But to benefit from it, there are several conditions to respect.

A series of announcements for Hello bank!, the subsidiary of BNP Paribas. This Tuesday, it revealed the details of its referencing agreement offered to Orange Bank customers with an exclusive offer which provides them with a simplified process and dedicated support for transferring their accounts.

The key is the possibility of benefiting from more than 400 euros of advantages for those who would like to join the more than 800,000 customers claimed in France by Hello bank!

The online bank took the opportunity to announce a limited series of its Hello+ booklet. This bank account reserved for new subscribers allows you to save up to 50,000 euros for one year at a rate of 3.50% gross annually. According to our survey of the rates charged by banks on bank accounts, no other product offers such a high annual rate over one year.

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Multiple conditions

But this attractive rate has several conditions. You must first open a Hello bank bank account to then be able to access the booklet. Then, the maximum sum on which the rate of 3.50% applies is 50,000 euros. Beyond that, the base rate applies, i.e. 0.6%.

Other establishments offer even more attractive boost rates with higher ceilings but over a shorter period. Example with Fortuneo which announces a bonus rate of 5.5% over 4 months up to 100,000 euros. But once this period has expired, the base rate is 2%, or an annual rate of 3.18%.

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The Distingo Booklet for its part announces a boost rate of 4% for 4 months on 100,000 euros maximum, then a base rate of 3%, i.e. an annual rate with promotion of 3.35% over one year.

The examples above show that before choosing your boost rate bank account, it is necessary to compare all the remuneration parameters announced: the base rate, the boost rate, but also the amount on which the latter applies.

Comparison of the best bank accounts

Ask your questions!

Are you an Orange Bank customer and you have practical questions related to closing your bank account, your savings account or the future of your consumer credit? Do you want to know more about how to join Hello bank? Do not hesitate to ask your questions via our reader questions form, so that we can answer them.

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