the success of the film “shows that the desire for a collective experience in theaters remains anchored among spectators”

From Ludovic, absolute fan of Dalida, to Boris in his Supergirl costume or Baptiste always hanging on his football, the summer campA little something extra immediately won over French spectators. The comedy by comedian Artus, released on 1er May at the cinema, achieved in three days the best start of the year, with some 500,000 admissions, ahead of Dune. Second part And Kung Fu Panda 4. Since then, he has continued to progress, resisting Ryan Gosling in The Fall Guy like a The Planet of the Apes. The new kingdom, latest installment of a successful franchise, to exceed 2 million admissions in just two weeks.

A thunderous success for the comedian’s first film, about the touching journey of two robbers on the run, a son (Artus) and his father (Clovis Cornillac), who find refuge in a summer camp for young disabled adults by being pass for a boarder and his educator. ” This is completely crazy “reacted the director on Instagram. “It’s a source of immense pride for me and a historic moment”, writes Stanislas Carmont, one of the eleven amateur actors with disabilities who play in the film. Thanks to this start, they “arrive a little in the spotlight at Cannes” to climb the steps of the Festival, rejoiced Artus at the microphone of France Inter, despite the initial refusal of luxury brands to lend them evening wear. A “Costardgate” finally resolved by the Kering group, which will dress the casting on May 22, he assured on social networks.

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How to explain this box office success? Marc-Olivier Sebbag, general delegate of the National Federation of French Cinemas, sees in this a desire of spectators to “share emotions with strangers in a dark room” and to celebrate living – and laughing – together in an anxious time.

Was the success of “A little thing in more” in theaters expected?

No one could have predicted that it would have such a great start, with more than 270,000 spectators in theaters on the day of its release – that’s huge – and become in less than two weeks the third film of the year 2024 in number of entries. The success of the film was a surprise to everyone, including the film crews and distributors. For some reason that is not well explained, the film got off to a particularly strong start in the west of France, particularly in Normandy, and in the provinces more broadly. The programmers of theaters in big cities did not expose it much at first, saying that it was a popular film, which would work better in the provinces. On the first day, the film had sixty-five times more admissions in the provinces than in Paris. But since then, large cities have been catching up, with new programming driven by curiosity about the success of the film that everyone is talking about.

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