the surprising story behind the choice of his son’s first name

The France Télévisions host who recently took over the reins of the show Affaire concluded spoke this Thursday, September 14 in the columns of Gala magazine. At 48, she confides without taboo about her family life as well as her son Luigi, aged around 17. The opportunity to look back on the surprising story of the choice of your boy’s first name.

Since the start of the school year, the one who officiated on The Morning from France 2 has since taken control of the famous auction show, Deal done. A very good start for the 48-year-old host who continues to be talked about whether for her reactions in the program or for the couple she has formed with Kad Merad for almost nine years. If the two personalities are rather discreet about their private lives, the forty-year-old agreed to give an interview to the magazine Gala this Thursday, September 14 in which she talks about her life as a couple, but also about her son, Luigi, whom she had with the screenwriter Julien.

Very happy to have made the choice to appear on this new show, she reveals that she finally has more time to devote to her family and more particularly to her son who “ enters final year “, she tells : “the other night I watched a movie on TV with my son, which I hadn’t done in two years“. This young man is a musician as Julia Vignali reveals: “He plays guitar with his band. His passion is music and he wants to make it his career“. Even if he does not follow in his mother’s footsteps on television, Julia Vignali’s son, whom she named Luigi, intends to stay in the artistic world. But why did she choose this first name?

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“The name Luigi resonated with me”

It’s 2017 for the siteMagicMomthat the host told the little story surrounding the choice of her son’s first name. She reveals that she had always wanted a name “Italian-sounding» to pay homage to its roots without choosing a first name that is too common. It was then that she found herself in consultation with an osteopath: “a man who is a bit of a “guru”. He touched my stomach and said ‘It’s a little boy!’ He had a 50/50 chance of being wrong, but he was right» she says.

Launched into his revelations, the specialist predicts that his boy “was going to like to party and therefore needed a festive first name“. Getting into the game, he offers her several first names, including Luigi: “he thought about it and that’s when he suggested Luigi to me. Wow! I loved. (…) The name Luigi resonated with me, it was joyful and exactly what I was looking for“. A rather funny way of choosing a first name, but which ultimately was the best for Julia Vignali.

The people? A whole world! Passionate about the media, networks, series, films, and investigative investigations of all kinds, it was natural that Jessica turned to writing and that she takes…

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