“The survival of the Republicans depends on it”

Valérie Pécresse on Monday launched an appeal for donations to repay her campaign, indicating that she was personally in debt of 5 million euros.

Because she collected only 4.8% of the votes in the presidential election, Valérie Pécresse will not be able to be reimbursed for her campaign. On Monday, she appealed for donations to her constituents to help her financially. “The financial situation of my campaign is now critical. We have not reached the 5% which would allow us to obtain the 7 million reimbursement from the State that we were expecting, ”she declared from the Republican headquarters in front of journalists. “These 7 million refunds are missing to complete the campaign. Republicans cannot meet these expenses,” she continued.

The candidate who finished fifth behind Emmanuel Macron, Marine Le Pen, Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Eric Zemmour, continued by indicating that she had herself personally indebted to the tune of 5 million euros. “This is why I am launching a national appeal for donations this morning. Her voice marked by emotion, she spoke in front of the media to “all those who cast their votes but also to all those who yesterday preferred the useful vote and finally to all the French people who are attached to political pluralism and to freedom of expression”. “I need your emergency help, by May 15, to complete the financing of this presidential campaign”, concludes Valérie Pécresse, adding the serious air that it “goes for the survival of the Republicans” .

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During her speech at the end of the results, Valérie Pécresse deplored having been the victim of the “useful vote”. “I had to fight on two fronts, against the camp of the outgoing president and that of the extremes. Despite the passion that drives me, I did not succeed during this atrophied campaign. This evening, the useful vote played in full. This result is a personal and collective disappointment. I remain convinced that our project is the right one for France. We must restore order in our country,” she commented. However, she indicated that she would vote for Emmanuel Macron in the second round.

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