“The sweet taste”: Juror Frank Rosin cannot say no to this dessert

“The Sweet Taste”
Juror Frank Rosin can’t say no to this dessert

“The sweet taste” (from left to right): Frank Rosin, Alexander Kumptner, Tim Raue and Alexander Herrmann form the jury again.

© SAT.1 / Jens Hartmann

“The sweet taste” is all about desserts. Jury member Frank Rosin was particularly taken with a dessert.

Today, Wednesday (February 22), the new cooking show “The sweet taste” starts on Sat.1. The sweet version of “The Taste” is all about dessert. Coaches and jury are the same professional chefs as in the original show: Frank Rosin (56), Alexander Herrmann (51), Tim Raue (48) and Alexander “Alex” Kumptner (39) will blindly taste the creations of the candidates and evaluate. Rosin is looking forward to the sweet treats. “I’ve always been a ‘sweet sow’ – that’s how you always get me,” he says in an interview with the news agency spot on news.

Frank Rosin loves this dessert

However, there are hardly any differences to “The Taste”. “The show principle is the same: the talents have to convince us or the guest judges in several rounds with great sweet delicacies on small spoons,” explains the professional chef. As usual, the spin-off will be moderated by Angelina Kirsch (34).

However, “The sweet taste” consists of only three episodes, which will be broadcast on Wednesdays from 8:15 p.m. on Sat.1 (and Joyn) run – “and therefore correspondingly faster than ‘The Taste'”, says Rosin. Also identical: At the end, the winner receives prize money. The best dessert talent can look forward to over 25,000 euros. Which dessert can a professional chef not say no to? “Amarena cup,” reveals Rosin.

The atmosphere between the coaches

Neither cooking nor baking is more difficult for the 56-year-old. “Physics or Latin – it’s a matter of talent and dedication,” says the restaurateur. As in the last seasons of “The Taste”, the professional chef sits on the jury with Alexander Herrmann, Alexander Kumptner and Tim Raue. The fans can again expect “a lot of teasing and a high degree of irony”. “Pure harmony” also prevails between the foursome off-camera. Only “very, very rarely there are moments when things don’t run smoothly and harmoniously,” Rosin clarifies. “But they really are short-lived.”

The parent show “The Taste” is also returning this year with a new season. However, the eleventh edition will lack Frank Rosin. After ten years, the TV chef is taking a break. Saying goodbye is not difficult at the moment, “because I have many other projects and productions”. Nelson Müller (44) takes his place. What Rosin thinks about his successor? “Nelson is a real colleague and we are close friends privately. I wish him all the best and lots of success.”

The chef leaves a return to “The Taste” open. “Once ‘The Taste’ always ‘The Taste’,” he says. This time he will enjoy the new season as a spectator. “‘The Taste’ is absolute family television and is always watched with the children.” When the eleventh season starts, however, is not yet certain.


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