The takeover bid for Banque Rothschild is filed

The Rothschild family’s holding company, Concordia, filed its takeover bid for the shares of Rothschild and Co bank on Thursday in order to withdraw the stock from the stock market, according to a document published by the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF).

Two weeks ago, during its general meeting, it had announced that it hoped to be able to submit the offer in June, its effective opening thus being able to take place during the course of the summer.

With nearly 40% of the shares, the holding company seeks to acquire the securities it does not hold and which are not held either by the other members of the shareholders’ pact concluded in February, ie around 45% of the shares.

Several big names in French capitalism, present in this shareholders’ pact, including the Peugeot and Wertheimer (Chanel) families, must thus enter the capital of the investment bank as part of this operation.

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