The Tinder scammer: Simon Leviev spotted shopping at Louis Vuitton… Who pays?

Free as the air after having extorted millions of dollars from many women around the world, Simon Leviev was seen in the middle of the afternoon shopping in Tel Aviv, Israel on February 24, 2022. Carefree and perfectly serene, the young man – who is actually named Shimon Hayut aka the Tinder hustler – window-shopped and admired different luxury pieces in a store Louis Vuitton. Travel bags, sweaters, cardigans or coats, the young man who presented himself as the CEO of LLD Diamonds to defraud his victims even seems to have spent a tidy sum of money in the shop.

Surrounded by his two bodyguards, he seems to have rediscovered a sumptuous lifestyle worthy of the greatest princes. Only question: how does Simon Leviev now manage to afford all these luxury supplies? Have other women unfortunately fallen into his clutches? Has he (finally) found a job and managed to become financially independent? For the moment, it is difficult to know how the young man can once again afford luxury items…

Last February, however, Page Six revealed that the young man now manages to make a living by asking for money to make nightclub appearances. Its price? Over $20,000 for an evening. In addition to this generous salary, he also asks to travel by private jet, to be lodged in five-star hotels and to have two bodyguards to protect him. This could therefore explain this new shopping session in Tel Aviv…

As a reminder, Simon Leviev – who would now be in a relationship with model Kate Konlin – scammed thousands of young women using the Ponzi scheme. After a few meetings in posh places, he made his victims believe that he was the son of a wealthy diamond dealer, Lev Leviev. He then told his conquests that he was in mortal danger and managed to convince them to lend him their credit cards, cash or even to take out loans to help him. In reality, the man had no fortune and was content to use his victims’ money to live in palaces and buy luxury clothes, cars and jewelry.

Arrested in 2019 in Greece, he was extradited to Israel to serve his prison sentence. Convicted of theft, fraud and falsification of documents in Israel, Simon Leviev was sentenced to 15 months in prison. He was released for good behavior after serving only five months. He had to pay his victims the equivalent of €35,000 in compensation. However, some of them still have to repay more than 200,000 euros…

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