the tobacconists want the exclusivity of the sale

The Confederation of tobacconists demands the exclusivity of the marketing of disposable or puff electronic cigarettes, ensuring that it works tirelessly on compliance with the ban on sales to minors in its network, which it believes is more flouted by online platforms or the large distribution.

While the subject of disposable or puff electronic cigarettes is leading the debate around the Social Security Financing Bill (PLFSS) for 2023, the National Confederation of Tobacconists is alarmed by the deviations observed in the marketing of these products by certain networks. , she said in a statement on Monday.

With its childish, sugary or fruity flavors – marshmallow, ice candy, chocolate hazelnut… -, its brightly colored packaging reminiscent of sweets and its low price ranging from 8 to 12 euros for 500 puffs, the puff exists under twenty brands and worried because it targets adolescents, while electronic cigarettes are prohibited for minors.

The right-wing majority Senate voted in favor of a deterrent tax on these disposable puff e-cigarettes, but the measure may not pass. An environmental bill calls for their ban.

According to the president of the Confederation of tobacconists, Philippe Coy, quoted by the press release, the regulations concerning disposable electronic cigarettes are flouted (…) by online platforms or large retailers. He is pleased to see that several parliamentarians are proposing to entrust the distribution of this product to a responsible network like that of tobacconists.

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Sales of puff – also marketed on the internet, in vapostores… – already represent, for some tobacconists, half of the activity generated by electronic cigarettes: the latter brings them 140 million euros out of the 3.6 billion annual gross turnover achieved by the country’s 23,500 tobacconists.

At the end of 2021, the National Committee against Tobacco (CNCT) affirmed, after a survey of mystery shoppers with 17-year-old minors, accompanied by a retired adult, that six out of ten tobacconists violated the ban on the sale of tobacco to minors.

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