The tone rises between Canal + and the Minister of Culture

The private audiovisual group says it is shocked by the comments made by Rima Abdul Malak on France Inter with regard to the C8 and CNews channels.

We were deeply shocked by the remarks made by the Minister of Culture, Rima Abdul Malak, this morning on the morning show of France Inter. Nearly five minutes of his speech were devoted to criticism of our Group and to invectives against our C8 and CNews channels. By again implying that the licenses of our channels do not deserve to be renewed in 2025 even though she refuses to comment on the renewal procedure for other audiovisual players, the Minister is taking sides, coming out of its reserve and does not respect the independence of our sector regulator“, insists Canal +. The private audiovisual group + was quick to respond to the Minister of Culture. Guest of France Inter, the minister judged Thursday morning on the air “inadmissible» the call for the privatization of public broadcasting by the star host of C8, Cyril Hanouna, in mid-January on his show «Do not touch My TV(TPMP).

“I am in my role when I recall the existing framework”

The exit of Cyril Hanouna had followed statements by the minister, recalling that the television regulator, Arcom, could remove the frequency made available to them if they do not respect their obligations. This pass of arms had continued in Le Figaro where the boss of Canal+, Maxime Saada, retorted that “a minister shouldn’t say that“. “I am in my role when I recall the existing framework“, defended the minister on Thursday. And to clarify:There are obligations to be met. There have already been around twenty Arcom interventions since 2019 for C8 and CNews. After how many interventions will Arcom be able to say to what degree the obligations are not being respected? This is the role of Arcom“.

The Canal Group reminded the Minister of Culture that it is “proud of the work done daily by all the employees of C8 and CNews, which bring together nearly 11 million citizens every day“.

SEE ALSO – “Privatize this for me”: Cyril Hanouna makes a platform against France Télévisions in “TPMP”

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