The Top Worst Parenting Advice Everyone Has Ever Heard

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There are remarks hidden in “advice” that do not go unnoticed as they have been repeated since the dawn of time… Here is a top 32!

Some parents do not hesitate to give advice on the education of children, advice that is often very badly received… And it’s not surprising, new or future parents hear these remarks all the time! Between family, acquaintances, friends, everyone gives their little advice (which is often useless). Be careful, they are not all to be stored in the same basket, some parents may have answers to your questions and help you in this new role.

A study carried out for Ergobaby shows that out of 1000 parents, 1 in 4 believe they have been overwhelmed with remarks about parenthood. A strong figure that shows how much pressure parents can be because of this kind of remark. And it is our elders who are the kings in the matter: 64% of “advice” comes from people over 50! You have surely already heard these remarks which in the long run become particularly unbearable. Here are 32 that are among the most common, do not hesitate to visit the aufeminine forum to complete this list!

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The 32 most common remarks

  1. “You have to sleep when baby sleeps”
  2. “I have always done THIS with my children and they did well”
  3. “Stop carrying the baby too much, he’ll get used to it”
  4. “You have to have a second baby or you’re being selfish. Your child will become spoiled rotten…”
  5. “You’re not holding the baby properly”
  6. “You have to let babies cry”
  7. “Do not entertain baby with a screen/TV/iPad/smartphone”
  8. “Don’t let them in your bed with you or they’ll never leave”
  9. “Oh it’s just colic”
  10. “You have to feel emotional – it’s the hormones”
  11. “It goes by so fast, cherish every second”
  12. “The baby is crying because he is too stimulated/too tired”
  13. “They’re just trying to manipulate you”
  14. “Trust me, you will miss this age!”
  15. “In no time, they will be in high school”
  16. “Babies sleep all the time for the first few weeks”
  17. “The child must be in his own room by “X” months”
  18. “Breastfeeding will shrink your belly faster”
  19. “It’s all just a phase”
  20. “Don’t rush your babies, they will go at their own pace (when it comes to crawling, walking, talking, etc.)”
  21. “What you eat and drink comes out in your milk”
  22. “Don’t forget your pelvic floor exercises and kegels!”
  23. “If you relax, the milk will flow / breastfeeding will be easier”
  24. “Never wake a sleeping baby”
  25. “You must use reusable diapers / Disposable diapers are bad”
  26. “Add baby rice to their bottle to fill them up”
  27. “Read to Your Baby”
  28. “Take lots of pictures, they’re only small once!”
  29. “Don’t put them in nursery, they need you”
  30. “We’ll have to get them used to a bottle now or they’ll never take one”
  31. “Babies need a regular routine”
  32. “Do not let the cat/dog/other pet near the baby”

Parenting writer

Zoé is on a work-study program, she joined the aufeminin team in September 2022, she writes for the parenting section. Committed and curious, Zoé likes to write to advance…

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