“The Treasure Map” accused of being too polluting for the planet: Cyril Féraud reacts: Current Woman The MAG

Emblematic host of the show Slam, broadcast daily on France 3, Cyril Féraud also presents the cult game The Treasure Map on the public channel. Guest on Valérie Expert’s show on April 14, 2021 on South Radio, the one who will soon make an appearance in the series More beautiful life promoted the new unpublished season of the program launched the same evening in prime time on France 3. Cyril Féraud also took the opportunity to defend The Treasure Map against his detractors, who accuse it of being too polluting because of its helicopters.

Thanks to a company that replants trees, we compensate not only for the carbon emissions of our helicopters, but of all the vehicles we use during the show, any plane tickets … What very few TV shows do in France! ” first wanted to clarify the one who was recently trapped by Faustine Bollaert and Iris Mittenaere as part of the show Surprise after take!Take the carbon footprint of a prime-time, on a large chain, at the Plaine Saint-Denis, in a gigantic studio, with ‘what mille’ projectors, generators that run all day long, including during rehearsals! ” added Cyril Féraud, who finds the critics The Treasure Map unfair.

“I think that La Carte aux trésors’ carbon footprint is much less important than many other emissions”

During its passage on the antenna of South Radio, the host of France 3 also wanted to highlight the energy consumption of other television shows to defend his own. “We use helicopters that can be seen, but once we shoot, we’re with our cameras over our shoulders, we don’t even have lights, we don’t have an arsenal of electricity, screens, projectors … So I think La Carte aux trésors’ carbon footprint is much less important than many other emissions …claimed the one who was unrecognizable when he first appeared on television. “Like which ones? The Marseillais in Dubai for example,” then asked the journalist Gilles Ganzmann, before the presenter tackled the reality show of W9 : “IQ level, here we are on a big consumption!”

Read also : Cyril Féraud moved: these hundreds of messages received after this upsetting sequence