“The Ukrainian defense of Mariupol has undermined many Russian units”, notes the British Ministry of Defense

The situation on the map

The context

Live hosted by Clémence Apetogbor

  • Anthony Blinken and Austin Lloyd, the heads of diplomacy and defense of the United States, met, Sunday April 24 in kyiv, the Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky, exactly two months after the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Washington announced the gradual return of an American diplomatic presence in Ukraine, and additional direct and indirect aid of more than $700 million.
  • Despite numerous calls for a truce for the Easter weekend of Orthodox Christians, fighting and shelling continued.
  • HAS Mariupol, a new attempt to evacuate civilians to the city of Zaporizhia failed on Saturday. Moscow and kyiv blamed each other for these failures. Nearly 100,000 civilians are still stuck in the ruined city, besieged since early March, and 20,000 people are said to have died there according to its mayor. President Zelensky proposed to Russia to hold “a special session of talks right next to the Azovstal site”the last pocket of Ukrainian resistance, and indicated “wait for response” Russian.
  • At least eight people were killed, including a baby, on Saturday in Russian strikes on the port city ofOdessa, according to a report provided by the Ukrainian presidency. The Russian army claimed, for its part, to have aimed with “high precision missiles” a logistics terminal at the military airfield near Odessa housing weapons delivered to Ukrainian forces by the United States and European countries.
  • In the basin of DonbassRussian troops “intensified their offensives” in three directions, according to the Ukrainian General Staff. In the region of Luhansk six civilians were killed, victims of Russian strikes near the village of Girské. Near Donetsk, five civilians were killed on Sunday. HAS Koroviy Iar, a locality in the north of Donbass, fighting was taking place at the entrance to the village, AFP noted. Ukrainian tanks and armor reinforced the counter-offensive and covered an attempt to evacuate 30 civilians.
  • The Russian army, for its part, indicated on Sunday that it had carried out missile strikes against nine Ukrainian military targets, including four ammunition depots south of the Kharkiv region. Moscow also said it carried out airstrikes against 26 targets, and 423 artillery strikes, without specifying locations.
  • The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) said to herself “extremely worried” following the arrest, in the pro-Russian separatist eastern Ukrainian territories, of four members of its 2014 ceasefire observation mission, installed after the conflict which had broken out between these regions and kyiv after the Russian annexation of Crimea. She called for them “immediate release”.
  • In Russia, any voice challenging the war keep getting suffocated. The popular chess site Chess.com was blocked there, at the request of the Russian General Prosecutor’s Office, after the publication of two articles on Ukraine described as ” false information “.
  • The general secretary of United NationsAntonio Guterres, will go on Monday to Turkey, an important mediator in the conflict in Ukraine, before going to Moscow and kyiv, the UN said in a statement.
  • Number of refugees fleeing the Russian invasion is close to 5.2 million, according to the United Nations. More than 7.7 million people have left their homes but are still in Ukraine.

Read all our articles, analyzes and reports on the war in Ukraine

Report. Far from the front, the Ukrainian city of Chernivtsi celebrates Easter without joy

Grandstand. “Russia’s military intervention in Ukraine is not based on any international legality”

Narrative. In Poland, the “aid fatigue” to Ukrainian refugees is beginning to be felt

Report. Residents of Lyman, under crossfire from Russians and Ukrainians: “We have no intention of leaving, even if the shelling continues”

Grandstand. Irène Tolleret, MEP: “Let’s not let Vladimir Putin use starvation as a weapon of war and chaos”

You can find our live yesterday on this link.

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