the Ukrainian foreign minister welcomes France’s “firm” support for his country

Ukraine “will remain France’s priority despite the multiplication of crises”, says the French Minister of Foreign Affairs

“Ukraine is and will remain France’s priority,” And this, “despite the multiplication of crises”declared the head of French diplomacy, Stéphane Séjourné, in kyiv. “It is in Ukraine that the defense of the fundamental principles of international law, the values ​​of Europe, but also the security interests of the French is at stake”he insisted, during a joint press conference with his Ukrainian counterpart, Dmytro Kuleba. “Russia hopes that Ukraine and its supporters will give up before it does. We will not weaken, our determination is intact”he said, noting that choosing kyiv for his first visit was in itself a “message to Ukrainians”.

“Russia continues to deliberately target and strike civilian infrastructure in defiance of international law” and to “be guilty of war crimes”denounced Mr. Séjourné. “We supplied the Ukrainian Armed Forces with artillery” as well as “anti-aircraft defense”he argued. “We are entering a new phase of defense cooperation”with the particular objective of “strengthen Ukrainian capacity to produce on its soil” the weapons she needs.

Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, France has supported kyiv both militarily and diplomatically, but has sometimes been accused of not doing enough. This visit comes one month before the second anniversary of the Russian invasion, and as the counter-offensive by kyiv’s forces in recent months has failed to produce the expected effects. It also marks French commitment while the war between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas threatens the security of the entire Middle East.

The head of French diplomacy, appointed Thursday evening and who replaced his predecessor on this trip at short notice, also renewed Paris’ support for kyiv’s application for membership in the European Union. “The future of Ukraine is within the European Union”he assured, promising that France would weigh “with all his weight” so that Ukraine obtains the European budget envelope of 50 billion euros which is currently blocked by Hungary’s veto.

source site-29