The Ukrainian journey of MP Joachim Son-Forget

The elected LREM who spent time in the Zemmour camp wanted to make himself useful and “take his risk” by going to kyiv to help the bombarded population.

In Ukraine for a week, he is preparing to return to France in a few days. By the way, he will bring back with him the grandmother of a French national (or rather the grandmother of a Ukrainian woman married to a Frenchman) at the request of a senator. On his return, he will stop in Hungary where he is to meet Tristan Azbej, secretary of state responsible for aid to persecuted Christians. “We are going to talk about the conflict and the position of Hungary. They are in the middle of the legislative campaign and are a bit hesitant about welcoming refugees, but that will change,” believes Joachim Son-Forget. The former deputy En Marche, a defector at Eric Zemmour, spent a week in Ukraine.

“We made four convoys to kyiv with humanitarian equipment, basic necessities, camouflage nets made by children”, describes the parliamentarian. While voices were raised in France against his initiative – the French embassy having advised its nationals not to go there – he claims to be “prudent and organized” and to have avoided “several bombardments”. “Amazed by the solidarity put in place by the Ukrainians”, Son-Forget, elected from the sixth constituency of French people living abroad and a doctor by training, left accompanied by a person, with his bulletproof vest, blankets survival gear and a supply of food and fuel. “The conflict is at our doorstep, we must show solidarity with them! “, he insists, he who found on the spot a Ukrainian deputy who took up arms. “I took my risk and I want to bear witness to the seriousness of the situation,” he said. Because he is elected, he preferred not to engage militarily. “If that hadn’t been the case, I would have signed the form for joining Zelinsky’s international battalion,” he says. I am one of the ten best snipers in France and I would have trained their snipers in shooting”.

He will be a candidate for the legislative

The deputy indeed practices pistol and rifle shooting… “But there is a political responsibility, France encourages a ceasefire and negotiations. This is not the time to add a disturbing element, ”he concedes. Now a member of Eric Zemmour’s campaign team, he informed him of his journey. On his return to France, he will resume the campaign and begin to take care of his own: he will indeed be a candidate for the legislative elections. He does not yet know where – he hesitates between his current constituency, another in Paris and one in Haute-Marne, where he grew up – but it will certainly be under the banner of Reconquest! “These are territories to which I am attached and which are legitimate,” he promises.

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