The UN investigates the Pope for an inglorious phone tapping affair

A British entrepreneur has been condemned by the Vatican for deceiving the headquarters of the Catholic Church during the sale of real estate. The Pope would have authorized the phone tapping of the businessman to support the trial.

The UN would investigate Pope Francis for wiretapping in a real estate dispute, reveals the British media The Telegraph on June 16, 2024. Raffaele Mincione, a British businessman, filed a complaint with the Organization of Nations United for several abuses authorized by the supreme head of the Catholic Church during a trial at the Vatican.

Rodney Dixon, Raffaele Mincione’s lawyer, claims that the Pope approved the wiretapping and interception of emails during the investigation against his client. Pope Francis could rely on ancient laws that give him these powers.

Rodney Dixon believes that “ this decision was taken without stating precise reasons, without judicial, independent and impartial supervision, or mechanism to challenge the implementation of the surveillance “. The method of surveillance allegedly employed by the Vatican was not specified.

Vatican deceived in real estate sale

The Vatican is suing Raffaele Mincione after the fraudulent sale of a building in London, the headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church. The British entrepreneur of Italian origin is said to have inflated the price of the property, which was sold for 300 million pounds sterling (around 354 million euros). Raffaele Mincione acquired this property for 124 million pounds sterling in a chic area of ​​the British capital. He then allegedly arranged with Cardinal Angelo Becciu, the former right-hand man of Pope Francis, to profit from the sale and help him embezzle funds.

Raffaele Mincione, the businessman in conflict with the Vatican.  // Source: The Pillar
Raffaele Mincione, the businessman in conflict with the Vatican. // Source: raffaele Mincione

The cardinal was sentenced last December to five and a half years in prison and a fine of 8,000 euros by the Vatican City court. Raffaele Mincione was sentenced to the same sentence, which he has since contested.

The Vatican maintained it acted appropriately and within the law. A Vatican spokesperson responded to the UN that “ the legitimacy of the investigations and the compliance of the Vatican judicial system with the principles of a fair trial have been recognized by various foreign courtss,” reports the Telegraph. The secret of confession still remains for Raffaele Mincione to speak in private without risking prison.

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