the underside of his meeting with Emmanuel Macron (it almost went badly)

Singer Aya Nakamura is expected to sing at the opening ceremony of the 2024 Summer Olympic Games which will take place in Paris. The President of the Republic had invited her to the Elysée Palace to discuss this possibility, but the meeting almost went badly…

While the competition is in full swing in Germany, where theEuro 2024 in which the Blues participate, we are preparing to host the 2024 Summer Olympic Games in Paris. The Olympic flame arrived in France last month, at the port of Marseille where various personalities were present for the festivities, such as the rapper Jul. If Anne Hidalgo finally gave up swimming in the Seine, Emmanuel Macronhe has repeatedly demonstrated his interest in this major event which will actually take place in several other cities including Lille, Nantes and Nice, from July 26. After former Miss France Sylvie Tellier revealed that she would play a particular role, other personalities will take over for the role. opening ceremony.

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We remember that Vianney, Zaz and Jean Dujardin had captivated all attention by putting on the show for the kick-off of the 2023 Rugby World Cup which also took place in France. In 2024, change of musical register! The DJ Cerrone is in turn confirmed for the launch of the Paris Olympics. This is the writing of BFM TV who has just revealed the information, while other names such as that of Celine Dion who has just completed his comeback after two years of media withdrawal to devote himself to the fight against the rare disease which affects him.

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The singer swept up in a media storm

Our colleagues also mentioned the name of the British singer Dua Lipawithout confirming it, she who has just performed at the Arènes de Nîmes to defend the colors of her new album Radical Optimism several extracts of which could become the hits of summer 2024. But it is the possible presence of the French Aya Nakamura which continues to be debated today. In fact, since last winter The Express had revealed that the interpreter of Pookie had met Emmanuel Macron in the greatest secrecy at the Elysée Palace, with a view to a performance for the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympic Games.

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We also remember that the announcement of this possibility gave rise to strong reactions within the political class and on social networks, forcing LICRA to denounce publications of a racist nature. An investigation was then opened following the report by the Paris prosecutor’s office. Despite everything, we still do not know at this time whether Aya Nakamura has confirmed her presence with the President of the Republic, with whom relations could have quickly become strained in the opinion of Challenges. Our colleagues indeed reveal the behind the scenes of their meeting which took place on February 19, in an article published on Thursday June 20. The reason ? The star has been waiting a little too long…

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Aya Nakamura stuck in Paris traffic jams

Aya Nakamura would indeed arriving late for your appointment. Contacted by the Elysée Palace while she was “on the way”the members of her team would have clarified that she was indeed arriving but that she was stuck in Parisian traffic jams. “Elegant in her black suit, the singer finally arrives. At the last minute”it is said, while emphasizing that it was not a “face-to-face” since the president of his record company Warner Music France was also present that day. “The president questions Aya Nakamura about her favorite artists in the French repertoire. Edith Piaf ends up agreeing”assures Challengeswhich confirms the information previously obtained by The Express.

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The President of the Republic will have many other issues to manage between now and the Paris Olympics since he has just announced the dissolution of the National Assembly, the evening of the results of the European elections, won by the National Rally list. worn by Jordan Bardella. The latest surveys relating to Legislative elections 2024 scheduled for June 30 and July 7 could also worry the presidential party…


If writing is a pleasure, being read is even more so. Passionate about pop culture, Jonathan sets the pace in the right tone to always keep you well informed. Attracted by …

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