The United States has found a new way to reach Huawei

Samir Rahmoun

January 31, 2023 at 11:20 a.m.



© Ascannio / Shutterstock

The United States closes the tap for Huawei and ends export authorizations for the Chinese firm.

Despite the heavy sanctions suffered since 2019, the Chinese telecommunications giant still benefited from a number of authorizations to acquire American components. But it seems that Washington wants to tighten the screw again on the former world number 2 smartphone.

Huawei completely cut off from the United States?

There is good news that cannot be savored quietly. While at the end of last year Huawei was posting positive results and finally emerging from three years of difficulties, the firm has just received another blow to the head.

And it could be one of the worst ever. Indeed, if the Chinese manufacturer could not import advanced technologies for several years, in particular in connection with 5G, it kept the possibility through a system of licenses granted by the Department of Commerce to acquire certain components. Thus, Qualcomm could still sell 4G chips to Huawei.

However, this tolerance has just ended, according to several sources interviewed by Reuters. The United States would no longer issue export licenses for the majority of sales to Huawei.

The Biden Administration’s New Policy

always according to Reuters, the United States is implementing a new policy against Huawei, which includes a ban on the sale of components less advanced than 5G, such as elements of 4G technology. This list also extends to the areas of Wi-Fi 6 and 7, the Cloud, artificial intelligence and high-performance computing.

The move is the latest step in ever-tightening restrictions imposed not only on Huawei, which had already been permanently kicked out of the US telecom market along with ZTE, but also on the whole of China. Washington is indeed currently promoting a major international initiative, including allied states such as the Netherlands or Japan. Its objective is to impose very harsh restrictions on high technologies on its rival.

Source : Reuters

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