the United States will end the state of health emergency on May 11

The Covid-19 soon anchored in normality in the United States. President Joe Biden informed Congress on Monday, January 30, that he would end, on May 11, 2023, the state of health emergency that had been in effect for almost three years.

This decision will de facto relieve federal emergency and public health powers of endemic threat management. This will fall to the usual health agencies. The Covid-19 will have the same action plans as the flu, for example. The federal relief fund dedicated to Covid-19 will be less funded and the development of vaccines and treatments will no longer be under the leadership of the federal government.

Read also: Covid-19: Joe Biden requests more than 22 billion additional dollars from Congress in the face of the threat of a new wave

On March 13, 2020, the 45th President of the United States, Donald Trump, declared the Covid-19 pandemic a national emergency. Since then, this state has been constantly extended since Joe Biden took office in January 2021. It was due to end soon, the White House is granting a final extension until May 11.

Republican Speaker of the House of Representatives Kevin McCarthy on Capitol Hill in Washington on January 30, 2023.

Biden’s announcement comes amid opposition to resolutions introduced this week by Republicans in the House of Representatives advocating for an immediate end to the state of health emergency. Tom Cole, elected from Oklahoma, took Joe Biden’s health policy to task: ” The country has largely returned to normal. In everyday life, Americans returned to work or school without any restrictions on their activities. It is time for the government to face the facts: the pandemic is over. The elected officials led by Kevin McCarthy are also asking that investigations into the federal government’s response to Covid-19 be carried out.

Millions of Americans will have to put their hands in their pockets

In a statement, the Office of Management and Budget, the most important office of the US presidency, expressed concern about the Republicans’ request: “An abrupt end to the state of health emergency would create far-reaching chaos and uncertainty throughout the health care system, for states, hospitals and doctors’ offices, and especially for tens of millions of Americans. »

The outcome is therefore postponed, but it remains brutal. Direct consequences of the end of the provision: millions of Americans are expected to lose their health coverage related to Covid-19 in the coming months.

Free tests and vaccines at Los Angeles International Airport on December 29, 2021.

The government will no longer buy vaccine doses for its population. Pfizer, the main supplier, has estimated the price of an injection at 130 dollars, which patients, or insurance companies, will have to pay out of pocket. Only 15% of Americans have received the fourth dose, which is free and recommended since the fall of 2022.

A scenario that will not only apply to doses of vaccines but also to tests and treatments for the disease. Again, Covid-19 will be considered like all other diseases.

More than 1.1 million people have died from Covid-19 in the United States since 2020, according to the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC), which recorded another 3,700 deaths between January 23 and 29.

The World with AP

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