The vaccination pass, a solution but not the only measure to fight against the epidemic

Sonia chemaa
, modified at

9:01 am, December 27, 2021

The fifth wave hits France and new announcements are expected by the government, which will hold a video conference at 4 p.m. on Monday. Among the new measures planned for the Council of Ministers: the draft law on the vaccine pass. A solution for epidemiologist Pascal Crépey, guest of Europe 1, but not THE solution.

While the government is considering the introduction of a vaccination pass, for epidemiologist Pascal Crépey, guest of Europe 1 this Monday morning, the simple announcement of this new measure has already had consequences on vaccination .

Take the leap of vaccination

“We are seeing an increase in primary vaccinations, so people who until now had still not taken the leap of vaccination and who finally decide to be vaccinated”, comments the scientist at the microphone of Europe 1.

The vaccination pass: not the only solution

Which is “a good thing”, he adds, in a context where, since Saturday, the record of 100,000 cases of Covid has been recorded in France. “The more people we have vaccinated, the more we will be able to mitigate this wave.” However, for Pascal Crépey, the vaccination pass cannot be the “only measure” applied by the executive. “We know that this virus also circulates in vaccinated populations, even if it circulates less easily. We also know that the vaccine is not 100% effective against severe forms.”

In other words: “The more you will have contamination, even in vaccinated people, the more you will have hospitalizations because, once again, it is not a 100% effective protection”. The vaccination pass, the application methods of which are still under discussion, should come into force by mid-January.

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