the Vatican opens a preliminary investigation targeting Cardinal Jean-Pierre Ricard

After the revelation of a new scandal of sexual assault on a minor, the Vatican announced, Friday, November 11, the opening of a preliminary investigation. It concerns the French cardinal Jean-Pierre Ricard, who confessed to having had, thirty-five years ago, a behavior “reprehensible with a 14-year-old girl”. ” My behavior necessarily caused serious and lasting consequences for this person.wrote the cardinal, now 78 years old, without giving more details on the events that took place while he was stationed in Marseille.

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“Following the elements that have emerged in recent days and following the declaration of Cardinal Jean-Pierre Ricard, in order to complete the examination of what happened, it was decided to open a preliminary investigation (“Preliminary investigation”) “told reporters the director of the press service of the Holy See, Matteo Bruni.

The Vatican is therefore following in the footsteps of the Marseille public prosecutor’s office, which has also opened a preliminary investigation aimed at “first check the exact nature of the facts denounced as well as their dating”. The prosecution also clarified that Cardinal Jean-Pierre Ricard, former bishop of Bordeaux, retired since 2019, had admitted to the bishop of Nice having “kissed” a young girl. “No complaints” has not yet been filed, said the prosecution.

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Jean-Pierre Ricard, former bishop of Bordeaux, retired since 2019, caused a new earthquake in the Church with his statements. “Thirty-five years ago, when I was parish priest, I behaved in a reprehensible way with a 14-year-old girl. My behavior necessarily caused serious and lasting consequences for this person.wrote the cardinal, now 78 years old, without giving more details on the facts of which he incriminates himself and which had taken place while he was stationed in Marseilles.

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