The Voice – Shanys, finalist of Camille Lellouche: “I received a wave of hatred at the start of the adventure”


Shanys did well to always believe in her dreams. At 23, this young hairdresser left her job to throw herself body and soul into the adventure The Voice. Coached by Zazie after her time at the blind auditions, Shanys went as far as the cross battles, where she was eliminated against Flora. Her vocal power and her diva character earned her a second chance granted by Camille Lellouche, the coach of The Voice: comeback. Saved by the singer, Shanys found herself in the final of this parallel competition against Mewhy, who was also eliminated during the cross battles. The young woman won her duel hands down with a perfect recovery of the tube My love by Slimane. It is therefore she who reintegrates The Voice directly to the final on Saturday May 25. An incredible opportunity that the young woman fully savors. Interview.

How does it feel to be a finalist of The Voice ?

It’s a source of immense pride! I am happy because my journey has not been easy. I had to fight to get there. I was eliminated during the cross battles, I thought it was over for me. Camille Lellouche saved me and I am so grateful to her!

Camille Lellouche took you to the final of The Voice: comeback, facing Mewhy. You defended yourself My love by Slimane. Why this song?

I chose this song for Camille. During the final, I looked into her eyes and spoke to her through Slimane’s words. I asked her if she loved me and believed in me enough to take me to the final. Camille told me “yes” because she was very touched by my interpretation.

What state of mind were you in for this comeback finale?

I wasn’t in a fighting spirit, because I’m very close to Mewhy. We both said to ourselves that we had to give it our all because this comeback finale was just a bonus. We were in sharing, love and sincerity towards Camille.

During coaching, Camille Lellouche told you to take care of your voice. Did you manage to apply this advice?

Yes, it really clicked. I went to see a speech therapist and I rested my voice, which had been very tired for several weeks because of the competition.

You will re-enter the official competition in the final, on May 25. Does it stress you out?

Yes obviously, because there are a lot at stake. I’m also very excited to be there and get back to the rush of filming. The stress goes away completely when you go on stage.

Camille Lellouche had a real crush on you during this season. How do you get along with your new coach?

What’s happening between Camille and me is very strong. She has qualities that I have never encountered in this environment until now. She is very human and understanding. Camille manages to put herself in my place because we have somewhat similar backgrounds and we also share the same hypersensitivity.

Before being in The Voice: comeback with Camille Lellouche, you were coached by Zazie. What differences have you observed?

Zazie directly understood the person I was, what my strengths and weaknesses were. She challenged me a lot. With Camille, we are more in the emotion. I had a lot more time to bond with her than with Zazie.

How do you experience your recent media coverage with The Voice ?

At first, I took it badly, because I received a wave of hatred on social networks after my time at the blind auditions. People made fun of me. They said I was yelling, that my performance was horrible and that I was malicious. I think my power and my rage to win were disturbing.

Were you injured by these attacks?

Yes, but I was supported by the other talents of The Voice. We were very united, we called each other as soon as one of us received hateful messages.

You quit your job as a hairdresser to embark on an adventure The Voice. How do you imagine your future?

I want to have a great career as an artist. I have several strings to my bow, so I hope that I will get noticed, especially during the tour of The Voice which will take place this summer. People may be interested in what I give on stage. If it doesn’t work out for me in music, I’ll go back to a hair salon. But I am very optimistic, I believe in my abilities!

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