The war in Helldivers 2 was already excruciating, now the weather is against you

An update adds an additional challenge for players of Helldiverse 2. The weather is now much more hostile: we are not talking about an ordinary snowstorm or a gust of wind that is a little too strong: we are talking about fiery tornadoes and falling meteorites.

Are you exhausted by the incessant waves of terminids? Were you having all the trouble in the world facing the barrage of fire and steel that the automatons put up against you? Unfortunately, you are not at the end of your troubles. With the latest update of Helldiverse 2you now have a new “enemy”: the weather.

Meteors and fire tornadoes

Many planets now have additional environmental challenges that appear randomly while deployed », Detail the update notes, published on March 6, 2024. These changes are already active on PC. The patch for PlayStation 5 be there soonaccording to the studio.

Among the global risks that players will face from now on, two are specifically mentioned: “ fire tornadoes ” and the ” meteor showers “. For other extreme phenomena, you will have to discover them directly in the game. Depending on the difficulty of the game, these dangers should probably be more or less intense.

Until now, the environment was relatively lenient: of course, you could drown or be injured (or die) during a fall if you were not careful, for example. But this is not the central concern. The problem mainly came from terminids or automatons. A stray bullet from a partner (or their pod hitting your face) was also a manageable danger.

Helldivers 2 // Source: PS5 Capture
War with joy and good humor. // Source: PS5 Capture

The March 6 update is nevertheless described as “minor” by the studio – the rest concerns balancing topics on strategies and weapons, as well as the resolution of several bugs. Details are published on Steam. Several unresolved issues were also identified. They should be fixed in a future update.

The weather is supposed to make the game a little tougher, while waiting for new challenges. In particular, recurring rumors in recent weeks indicate the imminent arrival of a third enemy faction: the Illuminates. They are described as mystics, with a look reminiscent of the Protoss in StarCraft or the Forerunners in Halo.

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