the war is a “strategic failure” for Moscow, according to the boss of the CIA

War a ‘strategic failure’ for Moscow, says CIA boss

A “destructive effect” on Putin, a “strategic failure” for Russia… From the Ditchley Foundation, in the United Kingdom, William Burns, the director of the CIA, exposed his feelings on the war in Ukraine.

The boss of the notorious US intelligence agency called Russia’s invasion of Ukraine a “the most immediate and acute geopolitical challenge to the international order today”. According to him, war is a “strategic failure” for Moscow, which exposed Russia’s military weaknesses, dealt a blow to its economy and encouraged the enlargement and strengthening of NATO.

“Dissatisfaction with the war will continue to gnaw at Russian leaders (…) This discontent creates for us at the CIA a once-in-a-generation opportunity.”noted Mr. Burns. “We won’t let it pass”he added, adding that the CIA had recently posted a message on Telegram explaining to Russians how to reach the American agency through the dark web.

A week earlier, the revolt of the mercenaries of the Wagner Group, led on June 24 by the boss of the Russian paramilitary group, Yevgueni Prigojine, had exposed in broad daylight patent weaknesses in the position of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Wagner’s leader had openly questioned why the military intervention had been launched, saying that “war was necessary for a group of bastards to be promoted”.

“The impact of these words and actions will be felt for some time, a powerful reminder of the destructive effect of Putin’s war on his own society and his own regime”believes Mr. Burns.

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