The way back – new Caritas project helps with integration

In order to reintegrate the long-term unemployed and people struggling with difficult life situations into society, Caritas started the “Involved” project. The cross-border campaign funded by the EU has already achieved success in Carinthia, Styria and Slovenia.

Before the “Involved” project, financed by the EU funding program Interreg, was launched, there had been several pilot projects and workshops with participants from politics, business and civil society. “In addition, a scientific study was carried out that shed light on how people on the margins of society can be reintegrated,” said the initiators, who focus on the homeless, people with mental illnesses and addicts as well as women in violent environments Through the mix of new forms of employment, such as the gradual build-up of hours or workload as well as voluntary commitment, those affected should be given a social network through which they can find new perspectives. Organizations in Carinthia and Styria, including Slovenia with three locations, have already successfully employed 81 people. In addition, European cooperation is to be promoted.
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