The weather for Sunday June 26: thunderstorms and rain in the East, 20 departments on orange alert

A stormy current from the Pyrenees has covered eastern France since Saturday afternoon. This episode will be accompanied by heavy rains.

Sunday, June 26, will be marked by heavy rains and numerous thunderstorms over a large part of eastern France, announces The Weather Channel *. A mass of cold air coming from the West will indeed find itself blocked by a persistent warm current coming from the Pyrenees. This blockage, which is likely to last all day Sunday or even beyond, causing repeated thunderstorms in the regions concerned. A total of 20 departments are placed on orange alert.

During the night from Saturday to Sunday thunderstorms should thus break out in the Cévennes but could also affect more southern departments such as Hérault and Gard, especially between 5 and 9 am. During the day, this phenomenon will persist, accompanied by rain. This time the Pyrenees, Occitania and the Massif Central will be mainly concerned, especially in the afternoon. In total, an accumulation of 50 to 80 mm of water could be locally recorded, adding to the rains of the week. Such precipitation will probably have an impact on the flow of rivers in the region (Loire upstream, Allier upstream, Gardons des Cévennes, tributaries of the Tarn…). Caution is therefore called for.

The weather for Sunday June 26 in your area

In the North West, a nice sun will show up in the morning with fairly cool temperatures, especially in the morning, between 10 and 13 degrees. In the course of the afternoon, the clouds should be a little more numerous and the temperatures slightly increase, not exceeding 20 degrees, as in Nantes or Rennes.

In Aquitaine and in noon, the situation should not be much different, with temperatures hovering around 15 degrees in the morning and 20 in the afternoon. However, the clouds should be more numerous there and the sun almost absent. This will be particularly the case in Toulouse where precipitation is expected.

The Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region should experience a very rainy and even stormy Sunday. A difference on the thermometer will nevertheless be visible between the Massif Central, where the mercury will remain below 20 degrees, while the Rhone corridor should approach 30 degrees towards Valence in the second half of the day.

On the shores of the Mediterranean, temperatures will be around 20 degrees in the morning and 30 in the afternoon, and the sun will be clearly visible. With the exception of Montpellier where risks of thunderstorms are to be expected.

In the region Great Eastthe rain will be present all day.

Finally in Parisian region, there will be sunny spells in the morning, then the weather will cloud over. The thermometer will vary between 13 and 22 degrees.

*The Weather Channel is a property of the Figaro group.

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