The weather is also to blame – Poor harvest is causing problems for potato producers again – News


For the third time in a row, the harvest will be below average. The first producers are already thinking of giving up.

Potato producers are struggling with a difficult season. It is already clear that the harvest will be below average.

First, the wet spring caused problems when planting, now the hot days are thwarting the potato farmers’ plans.

Plants suffer from high temperatures

Potatoes don’t like high temperatures above 28 degrees, explains Ruedi Fischer, President of the Potato Producers’ Association: “Potatoes should still be growing in many places. But at temperatures above 30 degrees, it becomes difficult.”

As a result, the harvest will be delayed this year. This is also a very special year for buyers and the retail trade, says Fischer. «It was in the last week and ; Months additional imports necessary. You don’t really know that at this time.”

Wet spring also affects harvest

The difficult season is the result of the combination of the current hot days and a wet spring. With all the rain this season, the soil has become hard, which also causes problems for the potatoes.

I know various producers who no longer want to take the risk and are saying goodbye to potato cultivation.

It’s the third bad season in a row. Slowly you can feel in the industry that patience is waning, says Ruedi Fischer. “I know various producers who no longer want to take the risk and say goodbye to potato cultivation.”

As an industry, you have to think about how the willingness to cultivate can still be maintained, says Fischer. Because otherwise things would look bad for Swiss potatoes.

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