The web of Sahra Wagenknecht

Ga year ago many were wrong, but it is quite astonishing to experience Sahra Wagenknecht in “hart aber fair”, this mixture of pique and apparently precise argumentation, to then hear her say the following with exactly the same expression of an unjustly hostile woman, in a clip of the talk show “Anne Will” from February 20 last year, four days before Putin’s attack on Ukraine: Russia has “actually no interest” in an invasion of Ukraine and further: “We can be very happy that Putin is not as he is portrayed, a wacky Russian nationalist who gets high on pushing boundaries. Because if that were really the case, then diplomacy would probably be hopelessly lost, and I really don’t want to imagine how long Europe would still be inhabitable.”

Self-deception of an intoxicated woman

As I said, many were wrong at the time, but this complete misjudgment, presented as confidently as everything that Wagenknecht presents, her complete wrongness in “Anne Will”, inescapably determines her perception in the further course of “hard but fair”, where under the Headline “Peace with Putin’s Russia: An Illusion?” Political illusion theater was offered again. The eye opener right at the beginning: Wagenknecht’s voice is the same one that hit her so hard a year ago! With this tone of unjustly hostile! With this gesture of a maltreated who dares something!

Voice and gesture no longer keep what they promise, with “Anne Will” in the ear they seem like waste, like self-deception of an intoxicated person. Which, of course, in turn is a deception of the audience, because, firstly, to err is human, and Wagenknecht talks – secondly – too intelligently to throw all of her words to the wind of a year-old quote that, again, was something like that at the time heard from many people.

But why now, after confirming Putin’s image of the neo-imperialist who shifts borders, put all one’s hopes in immediate negotiations, when Wagenknecht considered diplomacy hopelessly lost with this image of Putin? The “still” left, as they describe themselves, prefer not to go into this, their self-contradiction.

He prefers to analyze: Herfried Münkler with Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann and Katrin Göring-Eckardt in

He prefers to analyze: Herfried Münkler with Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann and Katrin Göring-Eckardt in “hard but fair”.

Image: Oliver Ziebe

Münkler: an “unscrupulous manifesto”

An equal opponent like the political scientist Herfried Münkler deconstructed the web of the Wagenknecht in “hard but fair” without any reference to a perception previously guided by “Anne Will”. On the daily talk show topic “Everyone wants peace, just how?”, Münkler once again took up the emphasis he had put in the “Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger”, where he disqualified the appeal by Wagenknecht and Alice Schwarzer as an “unconscionable manifesto”. : “The idea that you can make peace by shouting ‘peace!’ repels me. This manifesto, and I particularly resent Schwarzer and Wagenknecht, disavows the entire idea of ​​pacifism. Anyone who doesn’t take the word peace to be just some make-a-wish vocabulary needs to resolutely oppose it.”

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