The Xbox Series still sells better than previous Xboxes at the same stage

This confirmation coming directly from the big boss of video games at Microsoft allows us to have a vague idea of ​​current Xbox Series sales. Because if Microsoft remains faithful to its policy of non-disclosure of figures, we know that the manufacturer had distributed 10.4 million Xbox 360 in January 2007 while the Xbox One had crossed the 10 million mark in November 2014. Concretely, Phil So Spencer gives us the guarantee that the Xbox Series has found more than 10 million buyers today. The next update on PS5 worldwide sales will take place on February 2 as part of Sony’s results.

In possession of sales figures in Europe, Christopher Dring of Games Industry indicates on Twitter that the Xbox Series is not yet quite ahead of the Xbox One when it comes to the UK. This despite a huge month of December for the Microsoft console, which was able to provide more stocks than its direct competitor the PS5 for the end of year holidays. Not to the point of passing in front of the PS5 throughout the year, or of disrupting a Switch which remains much more widely available everywhere in the world.

In addition to consoles that continue to sell well, Microsoft can also be happy to have had an excellent year 2021 as a developer and seller of PC games, as highlighted in the annual report published by Steam. Finally, it remains to know the number of Xbox Game Pass subscribers, the heart of Microsoft’s strategy, which has not communicated any statistics since the 18 million subscribers announced in January 2021.

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