the young rugby player dies suddenly at the age of 19

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The management of OMR Marcq Rugby Lille Métropole announced, Sunday, November 6, the sudden death of Grégoire Boidoux, a young member of the National Hopes. The rugby player was only 19 years old.

The French rugby family in mourning. The OMR Marcq Rugby Lille Métropole announced, Sunday, November 6, terrible news to its supporters: Gregoire Boidouxa young graduate with the National Hopes, is died suddenly at the age of 19. “During training for the National Hopes which took place on Thursday evening November 3, between 7 p.m. and 9 p.m., at the MEL Stadium in Villeneuve d’Ascq, Grégoire was victim of an unexpected cardiac arrest while participating in a non-intensive exercise”can we read on the club’s Facebook page.

“Cared for by the emergency services of SDIS 59 and the SAMU who had transferred him to the emergency room of the CHR in Lille”Grégoire Boidoux is died of natural causessaid Olympique Marcquois Rugby, who still hoped, the day before, that the rugby player wakes upafter being fell into a coma. A psychological cell has also been put in place to support the teammates of the young athlete, the staff of the club or the members who would feel the need to confide in this drama. “Our teams will observe a minute of applause in honor of Grégoire during the next matches played by the club”added OMR.

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“A charming and involved boy”

Shortly before his death, Grégoire Boidoux had joined the ranks of OMR Marcq Rugby Lille Métropole after having evolved within the Espoirs team at the training center of Aviron Bayonnais Rugby, specifies the page of his club. The rugby player had also played for the Touquet Etapes Rugby Club (TERC) and Anglet Olympic Rugby Club (AORC), who also paid him a vibrant tribute. “He had just returned to his native North and the club of Marcq en Baroeul. Grégoire will leave very good memories of his too short stay in our club. A charming boy, involved and always with a smilethe team wrote on its Facebook page.

On Tuesday 8 November, the OMR announced that the Grégoire Boidoux’s funeral will take place on Thursday, November 10in the church of Sars-et-Rosières, in Hauts-de-France. “The rugby family is invited to the funeral”wrote the club on Facebook, before stressing that at the request of the young man’s relatives, the rugby players are asked to go to the ceremony dressed[s] of [leur] club jersey“.


Curious and passionate about writing, Noémie is passionate about a host of social issues that she strives to dissect. When she’s not devouring a Scandinavian thriller or…

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