Therapy blankets in the test: which one is the best?

Therapy blanket
Are weighted blankets useful?

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Therapy blankets should have a positive effect on our sleep. However, there are a number of things to consider when making a purchase. You can find out which therapy blanket is best for you and your health in our therapy blanket test.

calming tea, CBD oil, breathing exercises, meditation, music to fall asleep – none of this has helped you to go to bed so far? A therapy blanket might be an option for you. The heavy blankets are said to improve sleep and act like a firm hug on the body. How can this work?

What is a therapy blanket?

At first glance, the therapy blanket looks like a normal, quilted duvet. At second glance, however, you can see and feel small beads made of glass, ceramic or plastic that are sewn into the blanket in small squares or diamonds. In this way, the weights cannot slip and are distributed evenly over the body. Therapy blankets weigh up to twelve kilograms.

How does a therapy blanket work?

The therapy blanket, also known as a sensory blanket, is said to have a relaxing effect on our joints, muscles and tendons due to its deep pressure. This effect is called Deep Pressure Touch Simulation (DPTS) and, with an appropriate blanket weight, stimulates the release of serotonin (happiness hormone) and melatonin (sleep hormone). In addition, the production of cortisol (stress hormone) is reduced.

Against which diseases does the therapy blanket help?

Studies according to them, using therapy blankets can help improve sleep and overall well-being. But the sensory blanket is also used for certain clinical pictures. Here some examples.

  • Panic attacks
  • depressions
  • autism
  • ADHD and ADD
  • increased stress levels
  • Asperger syndrome
  • Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and dementia

What different therapy blankets are there?

Weighted blankets differ primarily in terms of Size, weight and material. With the latter you can choose between cotton and polyester. Cotton offers the advantage of being more sustainable and softer than polyester. It is also suitable in summer because it is breathable and prevents sweating. polyester on the other hand, is somewhat cheaper and more robust. However, production is not sustainable. Also, you might sweat more easily under a polyester blanket because it’s less breathable than a cotton blanket.

Which therapy blanket for which weight?

How heavy your therapy blanket should be depends on your body weight. The weight of the blankets varies between about three and twelve kilograms. As a rule of thumb, the weight of the therapy blanket should about ten percent of your body weight be. Children can also use therapy blankets. But make sure that you choose a particularly light model of around two to three kilograms.

  • Body weight up to 45 kg: 4kg
  • Body weight between 50 kg and 69 kg: 6kg
  • Body weight between 70 kg and 89 kg: 8kg
  • Body weight between 90 kg and 109 kg: 10kg
  • Body weight 110 kg and more: 12kg

Which therapy blanket is right for me?

The choice of therapy blanket is an individual decision. First, you should consider what weight is suitable for you. The size of the blanket also plays a role here – the larger the therapy blanket, the heavier it is. Ideally, you should choose a blanket that is the same size as your duvet. The following factors can also help you make your choice:

  • Make sure the blanket has loops that you can use to attach it to your duvet.
  • Cotton therapy blankets are more popular with many buyers because they are sustainable and breathable.
  • In the best case, the filling consists of odorless glass ceramic beads.
  • Make sure the stitching seams are of high quality so that the beads they contain stay in place and thus ensure even depth pressure.

Therapy blankets in the test: which one is the best?

We have chosen three therapy blankets that are impressive in terms of material, filling, size selection, weight and workmanship. Here you can find them all at a glance.

jaymag weighted blanket

The Weighted blanket from jaymag is available in three different sizes and six different weight classes. However, you should note that not every size is available in every weight class. The therapy blanket is made of high-quality cotton, filled with non-toxic glass beads that provide a cooling pressure feeling. In addition, a highly developed sewing technology ensures that the glass beads do not slip and fit evenly to the body.

Gravity therapy blanket

The Gravity therapy blanket is the most expensive product in our test. You can also choose between different weight classes and sizes. According to the manufacturer, you can even try out the blanket and – if it is too heavy or too light – replace it free of charge. The price also includes a beautiful cover, which is available in many different colors. The cover and the therapy blanket can each be washed in the washing machine. The therapy blanket is made of cotton, while the cover is made of polyester.

WELLAX therapy blanket

The WELLAX therapy blanket is the cheapest product in our test. Which doesn’t mean that it performs worse than the others. Here too you can choose between many different weights and sizes. A plus point are the small cassettes with an edge length of just 8 centimeters in which the glass beads are sewn in – nothing slips. The blanket also has ten loops with which you can attach it to your duvet.

Conclusion: Therapy blanket – yes or no?

That therapy blankets one positive effect on our health have been scientifically proven. However, you have to find out for yourself whether it is right for you. Many buyers report this positive changes, but also that you have to get used to the weight first. Typically, you will notice the heaviness of the blanket in the first five to seven days and then not notice it at all. At the same time, the DPTS remains. So you’re doing something good for your body without even noticing it.

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