“There are people with whom I am in conflict”: Karine Le Marchand victim of jealousy, her friends to the rescue!

Living from an image profession, being scrutinized from evening to morning, is not always easy. Fortunately, Karine Le Marchand has found a sizeable ally to survive in the sometimes harsh environment of television. His infallible friendship with Stéphane Plaza helps him to hold on on a daily basis and the M6 ​​channel knows it: if one leaves the group, the other is already ready to pack his bags. The two hosts first met at a business dinner, where they sat next to each other, and never left each other.

The view of others changes with notoriety

Stéphane Plaza began, at the time, the presentation of the program House for sale and as much to say that he badly needed the advice of his colleague. “We very quickly found ourselves on our fears because it is a job that generates a lotexplains Karine Le Marchand to the newspaper The Parisian. We may be completely normal, doing this job is not normal because you have to mourn a traditional life. It’s very difficult because we absolutely value our freedom, and the view of others changes with notoriety. There are things you can no longer do, there is a lot of jealousy.

To protect herself a little bit, Karine Le Marchand followed the example of her great friend: the comments of her publications, on social networks, are now restricted and it is therefore no longer possible to leave her a positive opinion. as negative. Ditto in the professional context, since to put one of the two at back, it is to attract the wrath of the second! “There are people in the media with whom I am in conflict, Stéphane does not go on these shows… and he calls them when it goes too far. In the same way, he has been in conflict with people in the past in this group, and out of solidarity I refused to take pictures with him. If you hurt my friend, you hurt mecontinues the ex of JoeyStarr. People are not necessarily benevolent in this profession…

Find the interview of Karine Le Marchand and Stéphane Plaza on the newspaper’s website The Parisian.

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